Byte Addressability Bytes are always 8 bits Word length typically ranges from 16 to 64 bits. Memory location assignments refer to successive byte locations in memory Memory is byte-accessible. For 8086, a Word is 16-bits (2 bytes)
Word Length For the 8086, a Word is 16-bits (2 bytes) A Signed Integer b 15 b 14 …………b1b1 b0b0 2 Characters 8 bits
Little-Endian Formatting There are two ways that byte addresses can be assigned across words. –Big-Endian – higher byte addresses are used for the less significant bytes of a word –Little-Endian – lower byte addresses are used for the less significant bytes of a word –The Intel Architecture uses Little Endian
Little-Endian List BYTE 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 OffsetValue *note that with byte size data, there is no difference between Big-Endian and Little-Endian
Big-Endian List BYTE 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 OffsetValue *note that with byte size data, there is no difference between Big-Endian and Little-Endian
Little-Endian List WORD 1020h, 3040h, 5060h OffsetValue *note that with word size data, the low-order byte is stored in a lower address
Big-Endian List WORD 1020h, 3040h, 5060h OffsetValue *note that with word size data, the low-order byte is stored in a higher address
Little-Endian List DWORD h, h OffsetValue *note that with word size data, the low-order byte is stored in a lower address
Big-Endian List DWORD h, h OffsetValue *note that with word size data, the low-order byte is stored in a higher address
Big-Endian List DWORD h OffsetValue 0005XX 0004 XX *note that with word size data, the low-order byte is stored in a higher address
Little-Endian List DWORD h OffsetValue 0005XX 0004 XX *note that with word size data, the low-order byte is stored in a higher address
Big-Endian List BYTE “This is a string”,0 OffsetValue *note: These are the ASCII values ‘T’=54H, ‘h’=68H, ‘ i’= 69H …
Little-Endian List BYTE “This is a string”,0 OffsetValue *note: Strings are saved as byte data