Agenda 1. OGX Flow 2. Needed for the match 3. EXPA & Opportunity Portal 4. After match 5. Tips
1. OGX Flow
2. Needed for match
Needed for the match 1.Account of EP in fluid review aiesec.fluidreview.com. 2.Complete payment on fluid review by EP twice (for open and match). 3.A complete profile of EP in Opportunity Portal internships.aiesec.org.internships.aiesec.org 4.EP manager marked in EXPA that EP was interviewed and paid. 5.EP manager sent minimum 15 opportunities options for EPs weekly & EPs searched by their own. 6.EP applied to Opportunity in Opportunity Portal. 7.TN manager approves EP in EXPA. 8.EP signed AN in Opportunity Portal. 9.EP manager approves in EXPA. 10.TN manager sign AN in EXPA and approves MATCH!!!
2. EXPA & OP
6668 EP ID
Use the Opportunity ID (for example: ) to find it in the Opportunity portal: internships.aiesec.org internships.aiesec.org Search Opportunities The word volunteering before the number: means GCDP
3. After match
After match EP & EP manager continue constant co-work together. EP received right expectations about internship as well as things to submit during/after exchange: testimonials, NPS survey etc. EP has all needed contacts of: managers, VPs, National Control Board host family etc. EP is invited for different LC activities with education, engagement purposes. EP received visa support from the Host Entity (Home entity helps to bridge communication). EP applied for SOS, bought insurance, did vaccination if any is needed. Cultural preparation minimum 2 weeks before realization:
4. Tips
Advices Check EP`s CV, motivation letters. Train your EPs for Interviews (you can use some one from AD team). Have informal EP meetings & constant communication. Organize Matching Day: Specific day to send applications. Utilize LC-LC partnerships, returnees, national projects and tools for the matching.
For more info, please contact: Adriana Villar A. MCVP oGIP Happy Fox aiesecus.happyfox.com/home