Cruising the Semantic Web with Noadster Lloyd Rutledge and Jacco van Ossenbruggen With Noadster, we demonstrate a hypermedia-oriented Semantic Web browser. Noadster applies the tradition Web search-then-browse paradigm to the Semantic Web. It also extends this paradigm by generating document structure over the search returns to further facilitate large-scale browsing.
Features General ●Access to large semantic repositories ●Search, structure then browse ●Domain-independent (extendible) ●Labels and comments from RDFS Global ●Search a la Google ●Hierarchy a la Clusty ●But semantic, not text ●Works as document outline Global to Local ●Relevant access points throughout knowledge base a la Google ●Highlights horizontal links between local and global views Local ●Single topic from global interface ●Built around single RDF resource ●Generated as semantic browser ●A al Longwell
Vision Semantic Web not just AI in XML ●It's more familiar than you think ●It's about writing, sharing and conveying information Semantic browsing is hip and happening ●Emerging tools under active development ●An emerging community: development groups and workshops Document structure is important interface ●Semantics make search results more sensibly structurable ●Existing clustering tools generate document structure from semantics ●Enticing progress made ●Much exciting work to do What's next? ●Good, accessible RDF for browsing ●Stylesheets for appearance and structure: Fresnel ●The Mosaic for Semantic Browsing: Simile/Longwell?