Mission Integration OZ2/Winston J. Reid/(281) Page No. 1 International Space Station Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 AMS-02 Ops TIM - Ops Assessment Status 4/9/2009 Winston J. Reid OZ2/Mission Integration Boeing/United Space Alliance
Mission Integration OZ2/Winston J. Reid/(281) Page No. 2 AgendaAgenda AMS-02 Payload Description and History (abridged)AMS-02 Payload Description and History (abridged) AMS-02 Ops Assessment StatusAMS-02 Ops Assessment Status AMS-02 Payload Location GraphicAMS-02 Payload Location Graphic
Mission Integration OZ2/Winston J. Reid/(281) Page No. 3 AMS-02AMS-02 Attached payload designed specifically for the S3 Upper Inboard Payload Attach SiteAttached payload designed specifically for the S3 Upper Inboard Payload Attach Site Currently manifested on ULF6 with an ELC (previously manifested on ULF4 in the 2005 timeframe)Currently manifested on ULF6 with an ELC (previously manifested on ULF4 in the 2005 timeframe) Planned for launch in July-September 2010 timeframe based on FAWG estimatesPlanned for launch in July-September 2010 timeframe based on FAWG estimates Basic science research payload intended to investigate cosmic sources of antimatter, dark matter, and dark energyBasic science research payload intended to investigate cosmic sources of antimatter, dark matter, and dark energy AMS-02 is a follow-on to the AMS-01 payload that flew on the last Shuttle-MIR flight in 1998AMS-02 is a follow-on to the AMS-01 payload that flew on the last Shuttle-MIR flight in 1998 AMS-01 used a large permanent magnetAMS-01 used a large permanent magnet AMS-02 uses a large super-conducting magnetAMS-02 uses a large super-conducting magnet Magnetic field causes matter and antimatter particle trajectories to curve in opposite directionsMagnetic field causes matter and antimatter particle trajectories to curve in opposite directions Super conducting magnet requires ~2500 liters of super-fluid heliumSuper conducting magnet requires ~2500 liters of super-fluid helium Payload CharacteristicsPayload Characteristics Mass is >15,000 lbsMass is >15,000 lbs Requires 650w-2kw in Shuttle cargo bay; 1.8kw from SSRMS during transfer; 2.8kw for magnet charging post-installation; and ~2.4kw for nominal operationsRequires 650w-2kw in Shuttle cargo bay; 1.8kw from SSRMS during transfer; 2.8kw for magnet charging post-installation; and ~2.4kw for nominal operations Payload commanding via 1553; 2-4mb/s average data downlink via HDRL; some H&S via S-bandPayload commanding via 1553; 2-4mb/s average data downlink via HDRL; some H&S via S-band Launch Commit Criteria due to vacuum tank and super-fluid heliumLaunch Commit Criteria due to vacuum tank and super-fluid helium DocumentationDocumentation AMS-02 PIA baselined in March 2006 (SSP 57113)AMS-02 PIA baselined in March 2006 (SSP 57113) AMS-02 Hardware ICD baselined September 2007 (SSP 57213)AMS-02 Hardware ICD baselined September 2007 (SSP 57213) AMS-02 Payload Description and History
Mission Integration OZ2/Winston J. Reid/(281) Page No. 4 AMS-02 Ops Assessment StatusAMS-02 Ops Assessment Status Ops Assessment is fairly recent milestone created well after AMS began its integration effortOps Assessment is fairly recent milestone created well after AMS began its integration effort To date, no formal Ops Assessment has been completedTo date, no formal Ops Assessment has been completed 4 Different Training Strategy Team (TST) meetings were conducted timeframe4 Different Training Strategy Team (TST) meetings were conducted timeframe 11/28/2000, 2/15/2001, 3/15/2001, 4/22/2001Chair: Ben Murphy11/28/2000, 2/15/2001, 3/15/2001, 4/22/2001Chair: Ben Murphy Attached Payload Ops Assessment CategoriesAttached Payload Ops Assessment Categories OpNomOpNom Needs to be submitted for AMS-02Needs to be submitted for AMS-02 Needs to be submitted for AMS Digital Data Recorder System-02 (DDRS-02)Needs to be submitted for AMS Digital Data Recorder System-02 (DDRS-02) HFITHFIT AMS-02 will use Shuttle PGSC as DDRS-02 on aft flight deckAMS-02 will use Shuttle PGSC as DDRS-02 on aft flight deck ProceduresProcedures Need to be developed for AMS DDRS-02Need to be developed for AMS DDRS-02 DisplaysDisplays Payload application will run on DDRS-02 on Shuttle aft flight deck starting at L+2hPayload application will run on DDRS-02 on Shuttle aft flight deck starting at L+2h No ISS crew displaysNo ISS crew displays AMS-02 Payload Ops Assessment Status
Mission Integration OZ2/Winston J. Reid/(281) Page No. 5 Attached Payload Ops Assessment Categories (cont’d)Attached Payload Ops Assessment Categories (cont’d) LabelingLabeling AMS-02 labeling per SSP 50005, EVA labeling requirementsAMS-02 labeling per SSP 50005, EVA labeling requirements AMS-02 Project Office began IPLAT interfacing some time ago, needs revisitAMS-02 Project Office began IPLAT interfacing some time ago, needs revisit Safety IssuesSafety Issues Phase 0/I FSR completed January 2001Phase 0/I FSR completed January 2001 Phase II FSR completed May 2007Phase II FSR completed May 2007 HazardsHazards Crew keep-out zones identified for EMU EVA at 300 gauss magnetic field strength regionCrew keep-out zones identified for EMU EVA at 300 gauss magnetic field strength region EVA Project Office working to determine Orlan suit operability within 175 gauss magnetic fieldEVA Project Office working to determine Orlan suit operability within 175 gauss magnetic field SSRMS and SPDM limits are at 10 gaussSSRMS and SPDM limits are at 10 gauss Magnetic field impacts on ELC2 ORU operations being assessedMagnetic field impacts on ELC2 ORU operations being assessed AMS Project Office performing assessment to identify payload vent locations with regard to EVA translation pathsAMS Project Office performing assessment to identify payload vent locations with regard to EVA translation paths EVAEVA EVA/EVR are heavily involved in operations planning to install AMS-02 on trussEVA/EVR are heavily involved in operations planning to install AMS-02 on truss Requires SRMS to SSRMS hand-off; power via SSRMS until installationRequires SRMS to SSRMS hand-off; power via SSRMS until installation Contingency operations for capture bar release, ROEU releaseContingency operations for capture bar release, ROEU release Crew Consensus Reports available from NBL runs in 2001/2002 timeframeCrew Consensus Reports available from NBL runs in 2001/2002 timeframe AMS-02 Payload Ops Assessment Status (cont’d)
Mission Integration OZ2/Winston J. Reid/(281) Page No. 6 AMS-02 Documentation Status Hardware ICD PIRN Update in-workHardware ICD PIRN Update in-work Hardware ICD ExceptionsHardware ICD Exceptions NA-0001, Exceedance of the ISS PAS CG:Withdrawn NA-0002, Exceedance of the Interface Plane Protrusion:Withdrawn NA-0003, Exceedance of the PAS On-orbit Operational Envelope:Withdrawn NA-0005, EVA Translation Path:Closed NA-0006, Working Volume:Closed NA-0007, Thermal Exchange Between Payloads (specularity) Exceedance: Closed NA-0008, On-orbit Operational Envelope Exceedance:Closed NA-0009A, External Touch Temperature, Unlimited Contact Exceedance:Closed NA-0010, PVGF Clearance Exceedance:Closed NA-0011, PVGF Cable Tie-down Exceedance:Pending EVA NA-0001A, Field of View:Closed , DC Magnetic Field Exceedance:DRAFT XX, MCAS Fatigue Requirement:DRAFT
Mission Integration OZ2/Winston J. Reid/(281) Page No. 7 AMS-02 Installed Graphic AMS-02 Payload ELC2 Keel Side (ULF3) AMS ELC3 Keel Side ELC4 (ULF5) Keel Side ESP-3 ELC1 (ULF3) Keel Side (ULF6)