What is a memoir? (Literary Nonfiction 6 Word memoirs What is a memoir? (Literary Nonfiction Biography Autobiography Personal Narrative Memoir
Mrs. Duesterheft’s 6 Word Memoir I accidentally have everything I need.
6 Word Memoirs I am more than I seem. What emotions are revealed through these six-word memoirs? Which words make you feel those emotions? Continue asking these questions for each 6 word memoir example- choose any of the examples. How is the punctuation affecting the memoir?
Netflix. The light of dark days. 6 Word Memoirs Netflix. The light of dark days. What emotions are revealed through these six-word memoirs? Which words make you feel those emotions? Continue asking these questions for each 6 word memoir example- choose any of the examples. How is the punctuation affecting the memoir?
Blank canvas, now filled with color. 6 Word Memoirs Blank canvas, now filled with color. How is the punctuation affecting the memoir?
I’m not going down without a war. 6 Word Memoirs I’m not going down without a war.
6 Word Memoirs- How does an image add to the memoir? Art and memoirs made from 6th and 7th grade students. Courtney Drude, 16, attends Marriotts Ridge High School in Ellicott City, Md., where she is a junior
6 Word Memoirs- How does an image add to the memoir? Shawn Budlong, 13, is in seventh grade at the Thurgood Marshall School in Rockford, Ill.
6 Word Memoirs- How does an image add to the memoir? Art and memoirs made from 6th and 7th grade students. How is the punctuation affecting the memoir? Rehana Ottalah, 13, is in eighth grade at J.D. Meisler Middle School in Metairie, La.
6 Word Memoirs: Setting up the page In your FP Writing section, choose a new page and divide it in half. Label the left side Memoirs, and the right side Reflection.
6 Word Memoir Independently, go to http://www.sixwordmemoirs.com/schools/ and write down 5 different memoirs that stand out to you on the left side of your journal. Leave about 4 lines between each one. When you finish, choose 2 to answer the following questions over in complete sentences on the RIGHT hand side of the page: What emotions are revealed through these six-word memoirs? Which words make you feel those emotions? What do you think is the backstory for this author’s six-word memoir? At the bottom of the page, reflect on the following in a complete sentence: Which themes stood out to you the most and why? Have students share their top memoir with other student around the room. Have students nominate peers to share out the chosen memoir and their reflection over it.
Time to put your life an an Outsider’s life into 6 words. 6 Tips for Writing Six Word Memoirs 1. Make your six-word memoir personal and honest. 2. Use the Six Word limitation to inspire creativity. 3. Think about the emotion/tone you wish to express through your writing. 4. Put the six best words in the best order to express exactly what you want to communicate. 5. Consider where you will place capital letters and punctuation marks. 6. Get inspired from reading other six-word memoirs
6 Word Memoir Expectations. 2 memoirs written. One is to be illustrated to provide the reader further understanding. Personal Memoir The Outsiders (Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally, Cherry) Memoir Illustrated memoir Entire page neatly illustrated and colored. Memoir is easily seen and stands out from the page Non-illustrated memoir Written with marker on large index card Reflection Reflection questions can be found on the next slide. Must be written on loose leaf notebook paper OR on Microsoft Word Written in complete sentences Paragraphs must be used to help with organization If you have a creative format in which to complete the reflection, please check with Mrs. Duesterheft before beginning- I am open to it!
6 Word Memoir Reflection Reflection needs to answer in any order, in complete sentences restating the question, and in paragraph form: Your 6 word memoir An in-depth explanation of what the memoir is referring to Why you chose the 6 words you did What your picture represents and why you chose the graphics and colors you did (if you illustrated your memoir, if not, please write a brief reflection on your Outsider memoir over your illustrations tie to the memoir on another sheet of paper.) What is the impact of 6 word memoirs? Are they powerful? Why? Do they give you insight, understanding, into another person? Overall, what is your opinion about 6 word memoirs? Why?
More Illustrated Memoirs https://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2013/01/09/six- word-memoirs-students/