Social Studies 10-2. Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 Identity Project Due: next Monday Summative Identity Project“Technology/Media and Globalization” – Found in.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Studies 10-2

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4 Identity Project Due: next Monday Summative Identity Project“Technology/Media and Globalization” – Found in Google Drive Due: Next Monday Formative “Bestseller in Mideast: Barbie with a Prayer Mat” – article found online Due: Next Monday Formative

* explore the impact of communications technology and media on diversity (universalization of pop culture, hybridization, diversification) * use appropriate tools and materials to accomplish a plan of action use a variety of oral, written and visual sources to present informed positions on issues * use technology to compose, revise and edit text * employ technologies to adapt information for context (situation, audience and purpose) * analyze the validity of various points of view in media messages

 Traditions, language, culture, the media, role models, dress, and beliefs about God, politics, and the land are all part of an individual’s identity. Other people and forces also influence who one is.  Last week, you completed the planning for Identity Project that will reveal you who are; factors that influence your life; and how globalization impacts your identity in both positive and negative ways.  This week, you will use your planning notes; choose a creative method of revealing your information (i.e. - who are; factors that influence your life; and how globalization impacts your identity in both positive and negative ways); and submit your project to Ms. Smith

Identity Project Ideas:  a)A labeled drawing of yourself  b) An illustrated narrative  c) A video interview  d) An original song  e) A digital story  f) A Power Point Presentation  g) A poem  h) collage  I) Another creative idea!

 Please locate the “Identity Project Example” file in Google Drive.  Look over the example to get an idea on how to further complete your assignment!

 Step One: Please read page 38 and pages in your textbook, Living in a Globalizing World.  Step Two: Please locate the file “Technology/Media and Globalization” in the Google Drive folder under Week 5 and complete the handout.  Please make sure to “Share” this handout with me so I can see your progress!

 Please visit the following web site: /middleeast/22doll.html  On the website, please read the article “Bestseller in Mideast: Barbie with a Prayer Mat”  Please respond to the following questions through GOOGLE COMMENTS and “Share” them with me! (Next Slide)

1. Please describe how Barbie has been part of Canadian and American pop culture in your life time. In your response, please explain the popularity of "Barbie" and what "Barbie" symbolizes in western culture. 2. Please explain how "Fulla" is an example of Hybridization. In your response, please explain the characteristics of the "Fulla" doll - including the packaging - are similar to "Barbie" and how the two dolls differ. 3. As you can see the globalization of consumerism (buying of products NOT considered "needs") has affected people in countries where the majority live in poverty. Transnational companies encourage people to spend the little money they have on products that are not necessary for survival. Please express how you feel about parents in Damascus, who make about $ a month being pressured by their children to buy them a Fulla doll "because all of their friends have one" to spend $16.00 on a doll. Please Note: That would be like spending $ on a Barbie in North America.