Slab/Coil Research Project Intermediate Clay Ms. Dunn
Step 1: Choose a Culture that interests you
Step 2: Find images of pottery from this culture
African Pottery
Native American Pottery Hopi Pottery
Mimbre pottery
Chinese Pottery
Japanese Pottery
Indian Pottery
Greek pottery
Step 3: Use this culture as inspiration
As always, choose something that relates to you somehow. Is it your own cultural background, or a culture you are very drawn to, etc?
Minimum Requirements Must create a slab/coil pot based on research from another culture Must be at least 8” high Must use slip and score method to attach pieces of clay Must create an original symbol/stamp to be used as part of the design
Homework: Due Tuesday, Sept 8 th Preliminary research of another culture and its pottery (print out info and tape into sketchbook) Write a bulleted list of 10 facts about this culture’s pottery Cut and paste at least 5 images of ceramic pots from this culture Create 3 FULL PAGE drawings of original ideas inspired by culture Create a drawing of the design for your stamp Future assignment Create a PowerPoint on this culture it’s pottery and how you were inspired by it
Deadlines: Last WEEK of wet clayOctober 5 th -9 th There will be a 2 nd project for this quarter…