Researchers’ nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FP7-PEOPLE-2010-NIGHT INFORMATION DAY Brussels, 12 November 2009 FILLING IN PROPOSAL PART A
Researchers’ nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FORM A.1. OUR IDEA Proposal number: provided by EPSS Proposal acronym: chosen by coordinator/partners (advice: short and simple) Proposal title: chosen by coordinator/partners (advice: linked with proposal content) Duration in months: Minimum 5 Months, Maximum 7 months Activity codes: from the drop down menu Free key words: chosen by coordinator, illustrating content of the proposal Abstract: In ENGLISH IMPORTANT: “advertising of your proposal”: first piece read by evaluators Similar proposals/signed contracts under FP7: ONLY when having submitted a proposal (whether selected fro funding or not) to a previous RN call If yes: mention call identifier FP7-PEOPLE NIGHT 200….for 2007, FP7-PEOPLE-NIGHT-2008, 226…or 228… for 2008, and FP7-PEOPLE NIGHT, 244…or 245… for
Researchers’ nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FORM A.2.1. WHO WE ARE Participant number : Coordinator has always number 1 PIC (Participant Identity Code): when having a PIC, mention it and several sections will be automatically filled in (check however) when not having a PIC, ask through the UNIQUE REGISTRATION FACILITY: DO IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Legal name: name under which your body is officially registered Administrative data: legal address (co3mplete, attention to postcodes), + website (not compulsory but recommended) Status: Non profit: according to national law definition Public body: according to national law + international organisations Research organisation: when non profit and having main research objective Higher/Secondary education establishment Activity in NACE classification: please consult 3
Researchers’ nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FORM A2.2. WHO WE ARE SME: « YES » should the answer to the three questions (employees, turnover, balance sheet) be positive ATTENTION: should you declare to be a SME, you will have to provide justifying documents for your validation beyond the « general ones » Organisation short name: the most frequently used Dependencies: case within which a participant « controls » another participant, i.e.: 2 or more participants are controlled by the same legal entity (=part of the same group) OR One of the participants controls another one, which means: Participant A holds over 50 % of nominal value of the issued share capital of participant B OR Participant A holds in fact or in law the decision-making power in participant B Person in charge: for the coordinator, the person who will be entitled for all contacts with REA services (usually NOT the one entitled to sign the Grant Agreement) 4
Researchers’ nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency FORM A.3.1. Classification of the costs: management /others Management: overall administrative, financial, legal, accounting Others (specific/support) : linked to WPs 1,2 and 3 ATTENTION: partners may incur management costs, obviously lower than the coordinator’s ones (participation in meetings, reports, deliverables’ production…) Classification of the costs: direct/indirect Direct: include personnel (salaries and charges), subcontracting, other direct costs (equipment, consumables…) Indirect : incurred in direct relation with the direct costs (electricity, heating, mail, phone, insurance, cleaning, security…= overheads ATTENTION: indirect costs have to be declared according to the method chosen by the participant, BUT only 7 % of the direct costs will be considered eligible Classification of the direct costs: personnel-other direct/subcontracting Subcontracting: services achieved by a external body (not signing the Grant agreement), invoiced to one of the participants Personnel costs: salaries and linked charges of the personnel involved in project’s implementation (whichever the status: permanent, temporary…) Other direct costs: equipment, consumables ATTENTION: when purchasing a durable equipment, eligibility of the cost limited to the period of the lifecycle dedicated to the project's implementation according to the participant’s depreciation rules 5
Researchers’ nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency SPECIFIC CASE OF SUBCONTRACTING NATURE Invoiced to one of the participants (price including cost + profit margin) Related to services (catering, conception of communication campaign, performances…) Performed outside participant’s premises not generating any indirect cost PART OF THE PROJECT COVERED No legal limitation, subject to P.O. approval Excluded for management tasks (except possibly for minor technical tasks such as report printing, catering of meetings) TO BE PLANNED In part B of the proposal and at least in the DoW (Annex I of the Grant Agreement) (Description of the tasks + estimates of the costs) Possibility of subcontracting minor tasks not listed in part B in course of implementation RULES FOR AWARDING Ratio cost/efficiency (best value for money) Transparency, equal treatment, in compliance with participant’s publicity rules ATTENTION: all subcontracted tasks remain under participants’ responsibility 6
Researchers’ nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency NEXT SLIDE: EXAMPLE OF COSTS TABLE Exhaustive list regarding cost classification, but not costs types Just an example: you don’t need to have costs of all types under all WPs Indirect costs: eligible indirect costs are limited to 7 % of the direct costs (except subcontracting and resources set at disposal by third parties outside the premises of the participants) 7
Researchers’ nights Information Day Colette RENIER Research Executive Agency 8 WP 1 Awareness campaign (by participant) WP2 Activities during the night (by participant) WP3 Impact assessment (by participant) WP4Management Personnel costs Subcontracting (if relevant) (conception of communication strategy, conception/realisation of promotional products, catering for press conferences ….) Subcontracting (if relevant) (performers, catering, transport, musicians, photographs … ) Subcontracting (if relevant) (interviews, data processing, inquiries … ) Other direct costs Consumables (gadgets, papers … provided that not covered by subcontracting, purchase of space without services linked, provided that not covered by subcontracting) Equipment ( promotional equipment hired without services linked … ) Other costs (press conference, mailings, booths, websites … provided that not covered by subcontracting) Other direct costs Consumables (products for experiments, lights, food and drinks, renting of venues/materials without services linked … provided that not covered by subcontracting) Equipment (durable goods necessary for night ’ s implementation: computer, various devices … provided that not covered by subcontracting) Other costs (excluding maintenance, security, cleaning, insurance,..;deemed to be included under indirect costs) Other direct costs Consumables (paper for printing questionnaires …, small material) Equipment (recorder, microphones … ) Other costs (printing questionnaires if in house, mailings, display of questionnaires, fees for interviewers … ) Other direct costs Consumables (food and drinks for meetings … ) Other costs (possibly organisation of meetings, travel..) Eligible Indirect costs (7% direct costs – subcontracting) Eligible Indirect costs (7% direct costs – subcontracting) Eligible Indirect costs (7% direct costs – subcontracting) Eligible Indirect costs (7% direct costs – subcontracting) TOTAL TOTAL 8