Consumer health CHS 488 lecture 3 Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities Every patient has rights and responsibilities. By Dr. Ebtisam Fetohy
Objectives 1. Verbalize an understanding of patients’ rights and responsibilities. 2. Communicate effectively to patients according to their Billلائحة of Rights and Responsibilities. Upon completion of this lecture, the student will be able to:
Did you know….. Patients admitted to Any health healthcare service have: 24 Rights and 8 Responsibilities
WHO DOES OUR POLICY APPLY TO? This policy applies to all patients, including minor patients under 18 years of age receiving treatment at Any Medical Center
As an Advocateمحام-مدافع Patient it is your Right… 1. To be informed of your rights. 2. To be given care regardless of your race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, ability or disability, or lifestyle. 3. To be given care that respects your individual cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, personal values, beliefs and preferences and which promotes your dignity, privacy, safety and comfort.
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/2 4.To be given care without verbal, physical, sexual or emotional abuse, annoyance or neglect. 5.To be placed in restraints or isolation only when it is medically necessary to improve your well-being, protect you from harm and/or prevent you from harming others and to have you or your family informed.
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right… continued 6. To have your pain well managed, and help in developing a plan to manage your pain. 7. To be told about the condition of your health, including descriptions of your illness and types of treatment available, their expected results and possible risks, benefits, alternatives and costs, and to be part of your health care decisions.
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/4 8. To expect that we will talk with you in a way that you can understand. 9.To help plan your care and treatment, including making decisions regarding your care. To accept or refuse recommended tests or treatments or requestيطلب treatment; and to bring up عرض issues of concern about your care with your caregivers.
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/5 attorneyمحام 10.To get information& get help with advance directives, so we know what treatment you do or don’t want if you can’t tell us yourself. These include: a living will, power of attorneyمحام for health care (where you pick someone to speak for you) or mental health treatment preference declaration. To expect that your wishes will be followed within the law& the hospital’s ability. To let the hospital appoint a person to make decisions about your care if you haven’t already picked someone.
11. To receive health care that treats the whole person by addressing your spiritual, emotional and physical needs. As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/6
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/7 12. To get information about and access to needed resources and services those protect and help you. 13. To be told the name of the doctor or other staff that are responsible for your care.
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/8 14.To have visitors, mail and telephone services unless you have been informed that there are sound صحيحةmedical or institutional reasons to restrict such access. 15.To be told of the risks and benefits of any proposed research or experimental treatment that may be considered in your care, and to agree or disagree to participate.
To express complaints about the quality of care or service without fear, and to get a prompt سريعand courteous مهذبanswer to your concerns. 16. To express complaints about the quality of care or service without fear, and to get a prompt سريعand courteous مهذبanswer to your concerns. You will be provided with information as to how to fileلإقامة a complaint with the hospital and with the state. As an Advocate Patient it is your Right… Continued
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/ To get information contained in your hospital records within a reasonable time after you ask for them and to be certain that other rights concerning your hospital record, as described in the hospital’s Noticeملاحظة of Privacy Practices, will be respected.
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/11 To have your insurance plan billedمحاسبة for your hospital services, and to receive financial counseling. 18. To have your insurance plan billedمحاسبة for your hospital services, and to receive financial counseling. This may include information about any charges that you may have to pay, an explanationتفسير of your bill, if you ask for it, or information on available financial assistanceمعونة. 19. To be told how to get financial assistance, if you need it.
To be told when you are ready to leave the hospital. 20. To be told when you are ready to leave the hospital. If you think you are being asked to leave the hospital too soonقريبا, you may ask to talk to your caregivers about this. 21.To have a family member or a person of your choice, and your doctor, promptlyفورا notified that you are in the hospital As an Advocate Patient it is your Right… Continued
As an Advocate Patient it is your Right/ To understand that medical and personal information will be handled in a privateخاصة manner. 23. To be given care in a safe setting that respects you and maintains your dignity. 24. To receive the best and safest care that health care providers can provide.
Rights???? True or False Patients do not have the right to file a complaint with Ministry of Health (MOH). The hospital is under no obligation to provide the patient with MOH information when requested. False Patients have a right to express complaints about the quality of care or service without fear, and to get a prompt and courteous answer to their concerns. The hospital is required to provide patients with government agency contact information such as MOH.
As an Advocate Patient it is Your Responsibility… 1. To provide all personal and family health information needed to give you the best care possible. To help make the best decisions about your medical treatment, tofollow instructions and to follow your plan of care. 2. To help make the best decisions about your medical treatment, tofollow instructions and to follow your plan of care. To accept and understand what may happen if you do not follow your plan of care.
As an Advocate Patient it is Your Responsibility…/2 3.To talk to your doctor or other care provider if you desire a transfer of care to another doctor, caregiver or facility. 4.To ask questions of your doctor or other care providers when you donot understand information or instructions
As an Advocate Patient it is Your Responsibility…/3 5. To show respect and be considerateمراعي لشعور of others getting and providing care. 6. To follow the rules about smoking, noise and the number of visitors.
As an Advocate Patient it is Your Responsibility…/4 7. To understand that your health care services must be paid for and to work with the hospital on a payment plan, as described in the hospital’s Statement of Patient Billingمحاسبة Rights and Responsibilities. 8. To tell your doctor or other hospital staff if you need to apply for financial assistance.
Responsibilities???? True or False Patients are responsible to ask questions of the doctor or other care providers when they do not understand information or instructions. True
Responsibilities???? True or False Patients have no obligation to understand that their health care services must be paid for and they don’t need to work with the hospital on a payment plan. False Patients are required to understand& work with staff to pay for services provided. Patients are required to tell their doctor or other hospital staff if they need to apply for financial assistance.
When to Inform Patient of their Rights Upon admissions Written information available in English and other languages Non-English speaking or hearing impaired guests should be provided an interpreter
Distribution??? True or False Information on Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities are handed out by volunteers? False Information on Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities: – Is to be posted in all clinical areas – Is to be provided to the patient upon admission to the receiving hospital unit.
Patient Privacy Close doors, pull privacy curtains, cover patient properly Knock before entering NO unauthorized person view patient records Do not discuss patient information in public areas Destroyتدمير all papers (shredقصاصة ) with patient names before trashingالتحطيم
Patient Complaints Follow hospital policy for patient complaints and grievances Ensure complaint is resolved
Medical Records DO NOT discuss patient information in public area Destroy patient documents before trashing NEVER share computer passwords Log off before leaving a computer terminal Never enter a patient record unless required NEVER view own, family’s or friend medical record in clinical setting
Confidentiality Maintain patient’s trust. Patient may need to reveal embarrassing information to ensure accurate diagnosis. This information may not be shared if they suspect it will be casually shared. Keep all information to yourself, and away from pryingالمحدقة eyes. ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION RELEASED, MUST BE AUTHORIZEDأصدرت BY THE PATIENT
Confidential Communication Includes - Records of identity, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, personal information recorded and maintained by hospital staff This information may not be disclosedتعلن without the authorization of the patient
Confidentiality Ethics The American Nurses Association’s code of ethics states that Nurses (healthcare providers) safeguard their patients right to privacy by judiciouslyبتعقل protecting confidential information The patients bill of rights, developed by National Leagueالاتحاد of Nursing, mimics ANA’s code of ethics. These are a professionally binding bills – comply fully.
Rules – to keep you safe Keep discussions of patients and families professional Discuss patient information in pre and post clinical conferences – behind closed doors Do not remove medical records from patient care areas Do not make copies of patient’s medical records Do not discuss patients in the elevators, cafeteria, or home
References AIMMC policy : Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities : Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities