O BJECTIVE : S TUDENTS WILL IDENTIFY GOVERNMENT STRATEGIES TO ACQUIRE NEW LANDS IN ORDER TO WRITE A LETTER TO A FOUNDING FATHER ABOUT THE GROWTH OF THE NATION. 1. Pass in any work you need to turn in to me. 2. Drill: Complete questions 1-3 on the front of the packet. 3. Homework: Get your grade sheet signed, Pd 1A Only: Complete Exit Ticket 4. Table of Contents: 28. America, The Story of Us 29. Grade Sheet 3/18, 30. New Territories Packet
1A O NLY KWL Chart for the video “America, The Story of Us”
A MERICAN E XPANSION Step 1: Find each area in the textbook Step 2: Record information into your chart using the model Step 3: Label each area on the map, create a key for your map, and color your map Step 4: Exit Ticket: Letter to a founding father regarding expansion