Internship Journal – Dead Horse Productions Mitchel Jaynes
Week 1 – Sept Tasks This was the first week of my internship and I was forced to learn the order of things quickly. The first day of work we spent 10 hours preparing, filming, and traveling to film “Shine Night” for a non-profit organization, The Nashville Connection. Aside from meeting my two bosses, I did not make any type of contacts during the first week. Learned: The event that we covered for The Nashville Connection was a very important event. There was several hours of preparation that we had to do to ensure that we got the correct angles and also that we would not miss a moment of the event. This was a task we covered extensively in the advanced video production class, and I was able to see first hand the importance of planning.
Week 2 –Sept Tasks: This week involved little video camera operation. It consisted mostly of meetings and familiarizing myself with the two projects that I will be focusing on during the course of the internship, “Under the Kudzu” and a short documentary Battlefield ministries. Contacts: Brian Scott Learned: This week I learned the importance of effective communication between producers and the client, and the importance of defining what the client wants from the product.
Week 3 – Sept. 30 – Oct. 6 Learned: It was interesting to see how this non-profit organization advertised this event and marketed it to help gain attention from the community. Contacts: Beth Batson – employee of Anderson Government. Tasks: Filmed the opening of a United Way building and ribbon cutting by the mayor in downtown Anderson Filmed the “Fresh Taste” event which we be aired on channel 14, the local Anderson city channel.
Week 4 – Oct. 7 – Oct. 14 Tasks: This week was the first “average” week of my internship. I began myweek by going filming on location for the “Under the Kudzu” project,which is a web series that focuses on the history of Anderson andthe surrounding cities. After filming I edited and uploaded theepisode onto YouTube. Learned: In my video classes we discussed how filming for television andfilming for the web are different, framing, length, and format, whichis something I learned quickly while doing this project. Contacts: No new contacts were made this week.
Week 5 – Oct. 15 – Oct. 22 Tasks At the beginning of the week, I have started doing tutorials for several of the software programs that professional video editors use. I edited a commercial for Drummond’s LLC pressure washing and lawn maintenance company, which will be aired on the local television channels. We began the preliminary editing of the mini-documentary for the Battlefield church ministry. Learned: While editing the commercial, I had to keep the consumer in mind. I had to keep thinking about what the customer would want or need to know. Contacts: Tim Fowler
Week 6 – Oct. 23 – Oct. 30 Tasks: This week I went to film by myself at the Battlefield church for their Fall Festival. I was nervous to be there on location filming by myself with people and a location that was unfamiliar to me. I was allowed to go film on location in Pendleton for the web series “Under the Kudzu”, and this week we started to discuss how to create a source of revenue for the web series. We are trying to sell advertising slots at the beginning of the episodes because the episodes are starting to create more traffic with web viewers. Learned: I experienced first hand some of the difficulties of shooting on location. The lighting can be difficult, traffic can hinder a shot, and the crowd noises can prevent audio from being useable. Contacts: Pastor Robert Owen
Week 7 – Nov. 1 – Nov. 8 Tasks: My boss was out of town for the week, which put me at lead cameraman for the week. We filmed a “handing over the keys” ceremony for a Habitat for Humanity house. Later in the week I had the privilege of filming the iRun for Habitat 5K race at the Civic Center in Anderson. Learned: This week has been interesting because I have been able to film for several non-profit events that go to a great cause.
Week 8 – Nov. 9 – Nov. 16 Tasks: This week was a very interesting week at Dead Horse Productions. I got to film the building of two Habitat for Humanity houses by the Clemson football team. The footage was then sent to Fox Sports 1 channel for them to use on a pregame show. Learned: This week I learned how the television networks retrieve and edit the footage that is on the shows and what type of formats they prefer Contacts: Kevin Woods
Week 9 – Nov. 17 – Nov. 24 Tasks: This week was the end of my internship, it consisted of tying up the end of my projects. I finished editing my portion of the Battlefield church piece, and also shot and edited another episode of “Under the Kudzu”. Contacts: None