My Family Project
Option 1 Create a collage which depicts your family accurately in age, number of members, and gender Additional Information that must be included: 1) Stage of Family Life Cycle 2) Birth order of children and where you fall 3) Unique characteristics of yourself and your family
Option 2 Create a Family crest/ coat of arms with illustrations depicting your family in age, number of members and gender Additional information which must be included (written and attached in listed or paragraph form is acceptable: 1) Stage of family life cycle 2) Birth order of children and where you fall 3) An explanation of any symbols or colors used in your crest or coat of arms
Option 3 Create a family tree (traditional or creative) that depicts your family accurately in age, number of members, and gender of members Additional information that must be included: 1) Stage of family life cycle 2) Birth order of children and where you fall 3) Extended family members through grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins
Additional Requirements: You can make your project as creative as you’d like. There are no stipulations on how you will present your family in your project Make sure all areas necessary are labeled with names (ex. If you do the collage and put a picture of an adult woman from a magazine, label it as “mom” or with your mom’s name