Imovie By Harrison and Logan
Imovie Imovie is a video editing software that Mac computers use. Imovie can be difficult to use if you’re a beginner. You can export to pretty near all social media sites.
Basics of Imovie: 1 0f 4 Starting a New Project: You can import your clips and organize these into events. Upon opening iMovie all these clips should be accessible in the bottom left of the screen by clicking on the event to which you added them. Now you need to start your project. Using either CMD+N or File > New Project to create a new project. Once clicked a drop down page will appear at the top with many different themes and options. Of course, themes make your movies a whole lot more exciting but for your first project I would highly recommend selecting No Theme. This will allow you to experiment with a basic structure before trying anything more sophisticated.
Basics of Imovie: 2 of 4 Editing Video: Now that you have your project and events all set up you're ready to start piecing together your puzzle. Double clicking a clip will select it then you are able to drag it over to your timeline. Similarly, you can copy and paste the clips. For many of our videos we like to remove background noise from the start. We choose the addition of music to our videos. The process for removing audio goes as follows. Right click on a clip and select Detach Audio, this will show the audio separately underneath the video. You can then just select the audio clip and delete it.
Basics of Imovie: 3 of 4 If you want to play around with clips, however, you'll need to open up the inspector. This is done by double clicking clips. Here you can change speed and exposure, and control the audio. Experiment with the inspector and see how you can alter your video clips. There is a number of settings here which can enhance your finished video, and you will learn as you experiment.
Basics of Imovie: 4 of 4 Adding Transitions: Transitions add to the flow of your movie and reduce any awkward breaks between pieces of media. These can be automatically added within the Start New Project phase but they'll create a bigger issue later on. To add transitions manually you need to visit the group of five buttons on the right hand side and select the fourth button from the left. Here there are more than fifteen different variations. To preview these, hover your mouse over the transition. Simply dragging the transition into the middle of two pieces of media will complete the process.
More Information: For more information on Imovie, we have left a link to the right of this page which will further explain this software. v=ZGG5kbMKmLo v=ZGG5kbMKmLo