DATA ABOUT US DAY 4 Line Plots and Bar Graphs continued
Definitions to note… Line plot: A quick, simple way to organize data along a number line where the Xs (or other symbols) above a number represent how often each value is mentioned, Bar graph: A graphical representation of a table of data in which the height or length of each bar indicates its frequency. The bars are separated from each other to highlight that the data are discrete or “counted” data. In a vertical bar graph, the horizontal axis shows the values or categories, and the vertical axis shows the frequency or tally for each of the values or categories on the horizontal axis. In a horizontal bar graph, the vertical axis shows the values or categories, and the horizontal axis shows the frequencies Frequency Table:
Line Plot- Also called Dot PlotBar Graph Frequency Table
Create and discuss a line plot and a bar graph- Create a frequency chart for the number of letters in the first and last name of students in the classroom right now. Create a line plot to show the data you collected. Be sure to include title and labels. Create a bar graph to show the data you collected. Be sure to include title and labels. 1) What is the range of the data? 2) What is the median of the data? 3) What is the mode of the data?
Homework 7-12