Rise of Medieval Europe
The Franks Group of Germanic barbarians led by Clovis. In 498, Clovis converted to Christianity, becoming the first Christian king of the Franks. The church in Rome supports Clovis. Together they convert the Germanic peoples.
The Carolingians Arabs now control Spain, and are pushing into the Frankish kingdoms in France. Led by Charles Martell, the Arabs are defeated and held out of France at the Battle of Tours. Charles Martell becomes a hero for Christendom. His successors are known as Carolingians.
Charlemagne AD In exchange for protecting the pope, Charlemagne is crowned “Roman Emperor.” Defeats many surrounding non-Christian enemies, and becomes a “Christian Warrior” Charlemagne allows the church to handle administrative tasks in the empire. (taxes, writing, etc..)
Coronation of Charlemagne By Pope Leo III Christmas Day, 800 AD
Education Under Charlemagne: Charlemagne valued education Established schools in monasteries and cathedrals Encouraged collecting and copying of Latin manuscripts Created Carolingian miniscule (small letters)
How was the Carolingian Empire different than the Roman Empire? Rome Centered around Mediterranean Endured many centuries Charlemagne Encompassed mainly central and western Europe Crumbled at Charlemagne’s death
The Holy Roman Empire From 800 onward, there is a revived Roman empire. The empire, however, is Frankish, and the emperor stands as the supreme Christian ruler. As it evolves, the Pope and the emperor will struggle for power.
Medieval society was an interesting combination of these 3 traditions: Roman Christian Germanic
New Invasions 9 th -11 th centuries Vikings from Scandinavia attacked coastal and river cities
Discovered in Norway in 1906, the Oseberg ship (above), the best preserved Viking ship ever found, reveals its Norse shipbuilders' graceful construction style. The Vikings
WHO WERE THE VIKINGS? Raiders from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark and Sweden) who came by sea or up rivers in their fast and beautiful longships to attack and seize treasures from monasteries, towns, and churches. Only when they were raiding were they "vikings": They were basically farmers who raised livestock and fishermen, some of whom went "a-viking" in the summer. When they came back from their travels in the early fall, they became farmers again.
The Viking Age The Norse were also traders, skilled craftspeople in wood, jewelry, stone, and ivory, as well as poets, singers, and storytellers. The Viking Age was the period of raiding as well as creating far-flung trade networks, of settlements by Scandinavians throughout Europe and across the North Atlantic Ocean to Iceland, Greenland, and briefly to the North American Mainland.
One of the all-time great Far Sides
More New Invasions Magyars from Asia to Hungary to Western Europe Normans invaded Britain from France
Why Feudalism? Attacks from outsiders Weakness of central governments German rulers gave landed estates to important nobles in return for military assistance
Feudalism Defined Social system Rigid class distinctions Static (unchanging) way of life Political system Local government Local military defense Economic system Self-sufficient agricultural manors The medieval section of Penshurst Place
Feudal Society Determined by birth, not work Feudal social pyramid King Nominally owned all land Controlled only his estates Powerful lords Got fiefs from king Pledged military service
Task: Feudalism Graphic Organizer Using what you have learned about feudalism, create an illustrated graphic organizer that shows the hierarchal structure of the feudal system.
The Manorial System: Obligations and Allegiances Manorialism A system of economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant laborers Most people were serfs living on self- sufficient agricultural estates called manors
The Manor Heart of the medieval economy Lord’s estate Peasants lived and worked on the manor Most peasants were serfs
Task: Class Discussion Read and analyze the 3 documents on feudalism. Once you have finished reading, you will participate in a hands-on-history discussion in which you will discuss the following: “Did feudalism bring about stability or was it a political and social disaster?”