Board Presentation Vision: Our mission is to utilize all of our community resources to guarantee continuously improving student achievement.
Successes: 1)WSAS 8th grade Reading and Social Studies proficiency consistently score 80% or better 2)WSAS 10th grade Reading proficiency has been steadily increasing - 78% in )WSAS 10th grade Science proficiency has been steadily increasing for past four years 4)Scoring above benchmark on all ACT tests for English and Reading in )High School dropout rates remain low (less than 2%) Riverview Community Schools
School Improvement Plan 1 - Begin the process of implementing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) 2 - Utilize Everyday Math Series to improve the K-5 math curriculum 3 - Increase Co-Curricular participation
Professional Learning Community Smart Goal During the school year, staff will form PLCs and participate in monthly early dismissal meetings and bi-weekly late starts to discuss student achievement and instruction.
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Implementation Proposal What is it? A group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise, and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students. Why should we implement PLCs? Vescio, Ross, and Adams review of PLC studies in Teaching and Teacher EducationTeaching and Teacher Education: All eight studies showed that the implementation of PLCs correlated with increased student achievement
PLC Implementation Proposal Step 1 - School Leadership Team will attend PLC seminar in Minneapolis Step 2 - School Leadership Team will lead team PLC training at the district level utilizing Solution Tree online training Step 3 - PLC teams will meet once a month during early release and twice a month during late starts
Math Curriculum WSAS Scores - Why are changes needed?
Math Curriculum WSAS Scores - Why are changes needed?
Math Curriculum WSAS Scores - Why are changes needed?
Math Curriculum 2014 ACT Scores - Why are changes needed?
Math Curriculum Smart Goal During the school year, grades PK-5 will fully implement the Everyday Mathematics series to increase MAP scores. 70% of the students who previously scored at the 40th percentile or below on the MAPS assessment will show an increase above the 40th percentile by the Spring testing window.
Math Curriculum Proposal Everyday Math Series - begin implementing in
Everyday Mathematics Everyday Mathematics is aligned to the Common Core State Standards of Mathematics Research-based program designed by the University of Chicago Spiral curriculum, which helps students learn at individual rates Differentiated lessons for teachers to adjust learning according to student needs A variety of assessments to use at each grade level
Everyday Mathematics Staff training will take place throughout the school year during early release inservice time. Program Introduction: Everyday Mathematics--McGraw-Hill
Co-Curricular Smart Goal I ncrease student participation in co- curricular activities by 15% by the end of the school year.
Co-curricular Involvement Looking at the numbers:
How to fix the trend? Survey students to see other interest areas to get them involved/connected to the school. Look to upgrade co-curricular equipment (I- pads, band instruments, FFA, Skills USA, etc., weight room equipment, and the gymnasium.)
How to fix the trend? Implement an early bird physical education class to “free up” a period during the school day for athletes. Bring in a motivational speaker to encourage students to participate in co-curricular activities.
How to fix the trend? Create activities booster clubs. Grow funds and support through fundraisers, such as spaghetti suppers, golf outings, raffles, etc. Purchase the nine “Next Level” Coaches of Excellences DVD series for coaches to watch and have coaches implement the skills in their coaching philosophies.
Budget Details Total Budget Allowance: $228,762 Big Tickets Items: -Everyday Math Curriculum/Training-$60, PLC Training-$29,120 -Tech Updates-$82,530 -School Climate for Students-$12,390 -Facility Updates-$40,202 Amount Used $224,669.34