Focus 5 6 th Grade Math Representing Relationships
Setting Up Your Workbook- Table of Contents DateTitlePage 12/2/13Focus 5 Learning Goal ScaleFresh Left 12/2/13Focus 5 Learning Goal Progress ChartRIGHT SIDE of SCALE 12/2/13Common Core Investigation 2.1Fresh Left 12/3/13Common Core Inv. 2.2Fresh Left
Representing Relationship Learning Goal Students extend their understanding of ratio and rate reasoning to represent proportional relationships in multiple ways, including relationships among measurement units such as cups and gallons or meters and kilometers. Students also represent common non-proportional relationships explored in earlier grades such as area of a square and volume of a cube. In investigating and representing relationships among variables, students continue to build fluency with operations on multi-digit whole numbers, multi- digit decimals, and fractions.
Today, my learning target is to… Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers. Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters that stand for numbers. Identify the parts of an expression using mathematical terms. Evaluate expressions, including those arising from real-world formulas, for specific values of the variables. Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. Identify when two expressions are equivalent. Use variables to write expressions to solve problems. Write equations using variables to represent two related quantities in a real-world problem. Analyze relationships between dependent and independent variables using graphs, tables, and equations. Use the distributive property to express the sum of two whole numbers with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor.
MY PROGRESS CHART Before we start the Learning Target Lesson, think about the Learning Target for today…. How much prior knowledge do you have regarding that goal? Chart your prior knowledge using your pre-target score icon.
Common Core Investigation Weekend Visitors & Profit Students learn about how independent and dependent variables are related.
Today, I achieved my learning target by… Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers. Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters that stand for numbers. Identify the parts of an expression using mathematical terms. Evaluate expressions, including those arising from real-world formulas, for specific values of the variables. Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. Identify when two expressions are equivalent. Use variables to write expressions to solve problems. Write equations using variables to represent two related quantities in a real-world problem. Analyze relationships between dependent and independent variables using graphs, tables, and equations. Use the distributive property to express the sum of two whole numbers with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor.
MY PROGRESS CHART After the completion of the Learning Target, think about the Learning Target for today…. How much has your understanding of the Learning Target changed? Did your understand increase or decrease? Chart your current knowledge using your Post-target score icon.
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