{ Bothell High School (BHS) Community Characteristics David Roark & Mike Shaw BEDUC /10/2011
General Overview A historically rural community which has burgeoned from around 1000 residents in 1950 to over 33,000 today. Considered a “bedroom community” until the 90’s when business development brought in over 20,000 jobs (primarily in the high –tech and biotechnology industries). Strong traditional community with many longtime older residents. Very low diversity with over 85% of the residents being Caucasian. Lower crime rates in all but motor thefts (per 100K people) than national averages.
Geographical & Social Context Over 200 acres of open space and trails that includes 19 parks. Two sports field complexes and a skate park. Community events such as Community Dance, Egg Hunt, Freedom Festival, Riverfest, Music-In-The-Park, Winterfest, and Battle Re-Enactments. Structured classes, teen activities, adult sports and youth camps. Expansive YMCA offering almost every available amenity.
Commercial & Retail Context Higher-end niche storefronts in historic downtown Bothell. Art, antique furnishings, boutiques, musical instruments, salons, cafes and restaurants. Two large commercial business parks with abundant high-tech and biotechnology companies as well as the Seattle Times. Fast developing/growing retail infrastructure including many new restaurant chains, grocery stores (10+), a farmer’s market and chain retailers. Several car dealerships and many gas stations/convenience stores.
Government and Services Context U.S. Post Office, City Hall, Municipal Court, Fire & Police Stations, Public Works, Parks & Rec., Chamber of Commerce, KCLS library. Well-supported Park-and-Ride system with new construction. Northshore Health and Wellness Center. Northshore Senior Center. GHC Northshore Medical Center, several walk-in medical clinics and a large selection of dental offices.
Youth-Oriented Activities Pop-Keeney Stadium and the adjacent Bothell Skate Park. Northshore YMCA facility and youth programs. Sammamish River Trail – Burke Gilman Trail including Bothell Landing. Northshore Performing Arts Center Many camps and sports activities arranged through Parks and Rec.
Bothell Map Including Referenced Points of Interest
Bothell Demographics Population: 33,500 Race: White – 85.4% Black – 0.32% American Indian – 0.83% Asian – 0.81% Pacific Islander – 0.71% Other – 11.9% Ethnicity Hispanic – 12% Non-Hispanic – 88% Socioeconomic Status
Income Median Household - $76,143 Average Household - $88,217 Per Capita - $35,485 Unemployment – % Poverty – 5% Home Median Value- $318,285
Teenage Life in Bothell? Photos Video pCfV8
Questions That Arise How will BHS and the greater Northshore School District adapt to the changing demographic of its community and student population? The NSD has seen a sharp rise in enrollment of students of color as well as those qualifying for free and reduced lunch.
What relationships/partnerships have been cultivated with the neighboring colleges in/near Bothell (UW Bothell, Cascadia and Bastyr College). BHS supports the many high school level vocational programs which are offered through other schools as well as their own, how is this arrangement affecting their school test scores and perception in the district. With such a strong high-tech and biotechnology focus in its business sector, what programs exist in the high school (or the district) to promote STEM offerings.