By Kelcey Bauer Photo Shop Illustrator About Me
Illustrator In this project we learned how to use the mesh tool. It was herd getting the house to look right and to make it look like it had shadows and highlights.
Illustrator This was one of the first projects that we did in illustrator. The background had to be different colors of blue. This is one of my favorite projects, I like how the boat came out.
Illustrator We got to play with the different modes in illustrator to change what the flowers looked like on top of each other.
Illustrator We had to make a still life in illustrator and we learned about the 3d tool. It was to make things like the pots look more real then just using shadows.
Illustrator I like this project a lot. I got to put in my own style in to it. The fairy on top of the letter was difficult to get it took some time.
Illustrator When I came up with this idea I wanted it to look like it was a flower folding in on itself and then unfolding to a butterfly. The idea was the easy part but getting it to look like that was the difficult part.
Illustrator This was the symantrical project. For the background its symmetrical and for the foreground its asymmetrical. I like having the dragon be more realistic then the parson because it give it a cartoon quality to it.
Illustrator This one was fun I had the song under the sea stuck in my head when I was doing this project. My fish are ok I could have done better on them. What I think looks the best are the coral on the lower right.
PhotoShop This was the expressionism photo. I got to play with different filters and effects on the photos that I picked out. It is a bit glooming but I thought it would look neat to have it look like its melting away as she is walking up.
PhotoShop This was my swimming in money theme. I thought of it because every one always wants to swim in money or have a lot of it to do that.
PhotoShop I had fun with the pop art project. I normally don’t really like art like this but it was interesting to learn how to make the layers and change the colors.
PhotoShop This was an extra credit project on changing the filters to get different effects on a still life or a self portrait.
PhotoShop This one was cool because you see this every day and I have always wondered how they get it to look like that. So learning how to do that was fun and now I can do it to anything that looks good with it.
PhotoShop This was anther one that we got to play with filters. I like how I was a photo of the rode and the mountain, but now it looks like it was painting a caves of some sort.
PhotoShop This was a merge photo. I had a photo of a cat, and a photo of an egg shell. I wanted to put the cat in the egg shell and with photo shop I can. If I could change something it would be to put a shadow under the cat to make it more realistic looking.
PhotoShop This was one of the last things we did in photo shop. We had to created a surrealism looking photo. I thought it would be funny to have my friends on a chess board, and make it look like they would some of the pieces on a chess bored.
My name is Kelcey Bauer. I am 18 and am a seiner this year. Some of the things I enjoy and would like to go into as a major are taking photos, drawing, and dancing. I mostly like old black and white film photos, it interests me how you can have a photo that might not look so good and go into the dark room and come out with something that looks great. I have learned that digital photography can also be interesting, and using Illustrator to also make art. ABOUT ME
Credits Photos in Photoshop by Kelcey Bauer Illustrated art by Kelcey Bauer Editing by Kelcey Bauer Song a thousand years by Christina Perri Music by The Piano Guys Anything else that I forgot by Kelcey Bauer THE END