Hotel User Interface Specification Team B Christiaan Ypma Ales Sturala Paul van der Ende
System Input Booking:: –[Room] rooms –Date fromDate –Date toDate Room :: [RoomType] booking) Server.confirm(Booking booking)
System Output server.retrieveExactMatches() –returns (Booking exactMatch, Price totalPrice) server.retrieveSuggestions() –returns [(Booking suggestion, Price totalPrice)]
Booking Form Consist of 3 area’s –selectionForm User can specify his/her requirements –exactMatchForm –suggestionForm User can select his/her wanted combination of rooms (when there is no exact match)
selectionForm inputFromDate –dateSelector inputEndDate –dateSelector listWantedRooms –List of added rooms, with buttonDelete listRoomType –List of grouped radiobuttons, according to type-categories buttonAddRoom –addRoom with selected types from listRoomType to listWantedRooms buttonSubmitSelection –Submit query to system calls new (Booking(inputFromDate, inputEndDate, listWantedRooms)), –retrieve exactMatch and suggestions (server.getExactMatch...) –update exactMatchForm suggestionForm
exactMatchForm Contains title which makes it clearly differnet from suggestionsForm Has one bookingItem –Displays wanted booking, with rooms and totalPrice. –buttonConfirm Server.confirm(booking)
suggestionsForm Contains title which makes it clear List of bookingItem.