Forces 1 Forces 2 Forces 3 Forces 4 Forces 5 Forces 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $500.00
An object at rest or moving with a constant velocity will remain so until acted upon by an unbalanced force. What is Newton’s 1 st Law? Back to you Alex
Sitting in your chair is an example of which two of Newton’s Laws of Motion? What is the 1 st and 3 rd Laws? Back to you Alex
When one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the 1 st object. What is Newton’s 3 rd law of motion? Back to you Alex
If a basketball weighs 12 Newtons, the amount of force needed to hold it in your hands is _______. What is 12 N? Back to you Alex
The amount of unbalanced force acting on a dresser that is being pushed with a force of 100 N while friction is pushing in the opposite direction with a force of 90 N is _________. What is 10 N in the direction the applied force? Back to you Alex
An object’s resistance to changes in motion is ________. What is inertia? Back to you Alex
Of the following, 5000 kg dump truck, 1000 kg car, 10 kg rock, or 1kg cat, the object with the least inertia. What is the 1 kg cat? Back to you Alex
This is the acceleration of a 7 kg mass which has had a 68.6 N force exerted on it. A = f/m What is 9.8 m/s/s? Back to you Alex
Friction is caused by this. What is imperfections in the surfaces of objects? Back to you Alex
An astronaut using a jet of nitrogen to maneuver in space is illustrating this law of motion. What is Newton’s third law? Back to you Alex
Air resistance is known as this type of friction. What is fluid friction? Back to you Alex
This type of friction is responsible for a car’s tires wearing away, making them become very smooth, after 1000s of kilometers. What is rolling friction? Back to you Alex
This is the type of friction is the kind that exists around a pool when it’s gotten wet. What is fluid friction? Back to you Alex
This type of friction must be overcome to get an object moving. What is static friction? Back to you Alex
These are the two types of friction that oppose the motion of a car. What is fluid friction and rolling friction? Back to you Alex
When forces are equal and cancel each other out, they are_________. What is balanced? Back to you Alex
When the amount of force exerted upward by air resistance equals the weight of a falling object, the object stops accelerating. This is known as _________ What is terminal velocity? Back to you Alex
The amount of force needed to accelerate a 100 kg dog at 2 m/s/s is _________. What is 200 N? Back to you Alex
When you fall back into your seat when a plane takes off, this is an example of ____? What is inertia? Back to you Alex
This is the outward force of a surface that opposes the downward force of an object’s weight is ____. What is normal force? Back to you Alex
Force = mass x acceleration. The law that is explained by this equation is _______. What is a Newton’s 2 nd Law? Back to you Alex
When forces are unbalanced on an object, the object does this. What is accelerate? Back to you Alex
Projectile Motion is motion that occurs in _______directions. What is two? Back to you Alex
When objects collide or are pushed apart like in an explosion, momentum is _______. What is the same or conserved? Back to you Alex
This is how much acceleration a box will have if it is pushed with a force of 200 N and has a mass of 100 kg. a = F/m What is 2 m/s/s? Back to you Alex
The unbalanced force that keeps the Earth circling the sun is _____. What is gravity? Back to you Alex
When walk the action force is your feet pushing against the floor. The reaction force is __________. What is the floor pushing against your feet? Back to you Alex
When all forces are balanced on an object, the object has a net force of _________. What is zero? Back to you Alex
Which would have more momentum, a 20 kg dog running at 10 m/s or a 50 kg dog running at 10 m/s? Momentum = mass x velocity What is it increases? Back to you Alex
This is the law that explains why when you step out of a boat onto a dock, the boat moves away from you. What is Newton’s 3 rd law? Back to you Alex