Searching in Nursing Reference Center Shannon Basher Education and Emerging Technologies Librarian HAM-TMC Library
The Search Process PICO question Synonyms / acronyms / alternate words / spelling variations / old vs. new terminology / brand vs. generic / lay vs. medical terminology Database SUBJECT terms, scope (definition of terms) Search techniques –separate searches for each term truncation? explode? –combine terms (AND, OR, NOT)
AND / OR / NOT (also known as Boolean operators) You can combine single search terms using AND, OR, NOT –(they do not need to be CAPITALIZED) AND = fewer results OR = more results NOT = eliminate specific results “nesting” – the process in the innermost ( ) is done first, then proceeds outward Example: (nursing AND (trauma OR emergency OR neonatal)) NOT home*
red OR green
red AND green
(red OR green) NOT stripes
(red AND green) NOT stripes
Question #1: What are the BPR for providing information (patient education) to adult diabetic patients about PPV vaccinations to support patients to make informed decisions about receiving the vaccine, to increase vaccination rates, and to prevent incidence of pneumonia? First impression of what we need: patient education diabetic patient adult patient PPV patient decision increase vaccination rates prevent incidence of pneumonia First Steps: Find terms Set Age limit
Question #1: What are the BPR for providing information (patient education) to adult diabetic patients about PPV vaccinations to support patients to make informed decisions about receiving the vaccine, to increase vaccination rates, and to prevent incidence of pneumonia? SUBJECT terms: pneumococcal vaccine patient education diabetic patients More limits below
Question #2: What are the BPR for IV site assessment to increase early identification of problematic IVs? Clarify wording o what is meant by "problematic IVs"? o infection? o misplacement? o malfunctioning? "IV" - this is not a term you will find as a SUBJECT term o catheter-related complications
Question #3: What are the BPR for communication methods with hand off reports when patients are transferring from emergency room to a critical care setting to assure patient safety and provide a smoother transition? key terms: communication methods hand off reports transferring patient emergency room critical care setting patient safety
Question #3: What are the BPR for communication methods with hand off reports when patients are transferring from emergency room to a critical care setting to assure patient safety and provide a smoother transition? Communication Shift Reports Checklists Transfer, Intrahospital Transfer, Interhospital Continuity of Patient Care Emergency Nursing Trauma -- Nursing Emergency Patient Inpatients Patient Safety Critical Care Critically Ill Patient Adverse Health Care Event -- Prevention and Control Practice Guidelines SUBJECT terms:
Question #4: Among adult patients undergoing scheduled surgery, what are the BPR related to chlorhexidine perioperative showers to reduce the incidence of surgical site infection? Perioperative vs. preoperative? Shower – other similar terms?
Question #5: What are BPR for management of PICC / Central lines while transferring patients for procedures to prevent IV site infection? Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters Catheter-Related Infections Catheterization, Peripheral Catheter Care Insertion Sites
Question #6: What are BPR for taking blood pressures in adult patients to support identification and interventions for BP outside of normal range? [manually vs. electronic, size of cuff, disposable cuffs, etc.] Taking blood pressure = ? Basic search: blood pressure… (testing measurement) Advanced Search CINAHL terms
Question #7: What are BPR for shift hand off reports regarding pending orders or treatments in an adult inpatient setting so that an increased length of stay is avoided? Term for “hand off report”? Pending orders? Age limit = All Adults
Question #8: Among adult patients age 50 or greater presenting to emergency room with complaint of chest pain, what are the BPR for assessment to effectively evaluate the etiology and severity of a patient's condition? age limits, multiple age limits