Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition Why increased resources are needed : 1.Replacing school fees ( tuition/examinations) 2.Surge in enrolment – teachers, schools, classrooms, books 3.Transaction costs : loss of labour, health, HIV/AIDS, distance, water, food 4. Quality – T/P ratios, book/pupil ratios, quality of materials, training of teachers, school leadership, community support, security
Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition What kinds of resources are available : a)Domestic budget allocations ( Average : 20% - 50% to primary) b)External financing : i) Bilateral funding ( Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia ) ii) HIPC/Debt Relief ( Nigeria ) iii) FTI ( Kenya. Madagascar )
Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition What kind of timescales are we talking about ? a)Basic education is a long-term commitment – 7 years primary and 2/3 years lower secondary or upper basic - 9/10 years b)To achieve the education MDGs in 2015 – 10 years Implications: a)Governments need medium to long-term planning and budgeting scenarios b)External partners need to be able to make multi-year predictable partnership commitments and agreements
Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition What financing modalities can be used ? a)General budget support b)Sector budget support c)Pooled funding to the sector d)Earmarked funding ( e.g. teacher education) e)Project activities f)Capacity building g)Private funds What systems are needed ? a)Decentralised delivery through districts/ schools b)Public expenditure management reforms c)Public expenditure tracking systems
Mobilising resources to support countries that commit to achieving the MDGs and school fee abolition What are the financing needs ? a)FTI-endorsed countries need a total of $1.1 billion annually in extra financing. b)One state in Nigeria alone needs $100 million annually. What are the pledges/commitments so far ? a) Gleneagles - $50 billion a year by $25 billion to Africa b)To FTI trust funds – Donors are providing $490 million through regular channels and $115 million through the FTI Catalytic Fund leaving an annual financing gap of $510 million. c)UK - $15 billion to help countries implement 10 year plans for meeting MDGs by 2015 – 22 countries at Abuja committed