Oral Communication Skills Functions of a Meeting There are a number of functions that a meeting will perform better than other communication functions. These include : Meetings create a pool of shared knowledge where many ideas are improved or transformed A meeting defines the team and provides collective identity Meetings greatly increase the speed and efficiency of communication Meetings facilitate a greater commitment to decisions and change Meetings help every individual understand collective aim of the group
Oral Communication Skills Defining Meeting Objectives To avoid a meeting being a waste of everyone's time a number of questions must be addressed : Is the meeting necessary at all ? How much information must be circulated before the meeting ? Who should be invited to the meeting ? What is the meeting intended to achieve ? How will the meeting group ultimately reach its decision ? How will the success of the meeting be judged ?
Oral Communication Skills Preparing the Meeting To ensure a successful meeting the following should be considered:People - Between 4-7 ideal number, 10 tolerable - To reduce numbers – analyse agenda to assess flexibility - Ensure any necessary comments are made to individuals beforehand The Agenda - An effective agenda can speed up and clarify meeting objectives - It should be detailed and concise titles - Include titles such as ¨for information¨, ¨for decision¨, ¨for discussion¨ - Order of items should be correct - Circulate the agenda 2-3 days in advance normally
Oral Communication Skills In the Meeting The Role of the Chairperson - - to assist the group towards the best conclusion or decision in the most efficient manner possible - to interpret and clarify the objectives of the meeting and other different issues - to encourage the participation of everyone The Logistics of the Meeting - having members sit face to face across a table facilitates opposition, conflict and disagreement - sitting side by side makes disagreements harder – this can be used in the favour of the meeting - proximity to the Chair is a sign of honour and favour
Oral Communication Skills In the Meeting Draw out the silent and protect the weak - someone´s nerves or fear may prevent them from expressing themselves - silence can be a show of hostility to the meeting or decisions Encourage the clash of ideas - however be careful to discourage the clash of personalities - the meeting should be a crossflow of debate and discussion Close on a note of achievement - Even if the final resolution was unresolved refer to an earlier item that was resolved when you close the meeting
Oral Communication Skills Following the Meeting A secretary or a participant should take the minutes of the meeting which should include the following : The time and date of the meeting Names of all present and apologies for absence All agenda items discussed and all decisions reached If actions were agreed on, record the name of the person responsible for the assignment The time at which the meeting ended The date, time and place of the next meeting
Oral Communication Skills Effective Meetings : Points to Remember Other important considerations to be made include : The early part of the meeting tends to be more lively and creative than at the end The attention lag starts after about minutes – ideal tie to introduce a major topic The Chair may want to start with a point of unity rather than with a contentious issue Very few business meetings achieve anything after 2 hours It is a good idea to have a finishing time for the meeting If a meeting has a tendency to go on for too long the Chair should arrange to start an hour before lunch or end of work All items should be thought of and thought about in advance
Oral Communication Skills Effective Meetings : Checklist To ensure a successful meeting the following must be considered : Plan in Advance Cover the Logistics Set a Clear Agenda Select a Facilitator Establish Ground Rules Reinforce with Visual Aids Keep a Meeting Record Evaluate Meeting
Oral Communication Skills Meetings and Working in Teams A team is a unit of two or more people who work together to achieve a goal. Team members – Have a shared mission and are collectively responsible – Are responsible for reports, oral presentations, and meetings – Must communicate effectively inside and outside the team – Are involved in participative management
Oral Communication Skills Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams ADVANTAGES Increased information and knowledge Increased diversity of views Increased acceptance of a solution DISADVANTAGES Can be unproductive, frustrating, or counterproductive Can develop groupthink Can be derailed by hidden agendas Can encourage free riders
Oral Communication Skills Developing an Effective Team Clear sense of purpose Creative thinking Open, honest communication Decision by consensus Focused on core issues
Oral Communication Skills Understanding Conflict Conflict can be constructive or destructive Conflict can arise for many reasons Some reasons for team conflict : 1.Competing for scarce resources 2.Disagreeing over task responsibility 3.Communicating poorly 4.Differing values, attitudes or personalities
Oral Communication Skills Proaction Communication Openness Research Flexibility Fair Play Alliance Resolving Conflict
Oral Communication Skills Overcoming Resistance Express understanding Make people aware of their resistance Evaluate others’ objections fairly Hold your arguments until the other person is ready