22 CHAPTER PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Care
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe 22-2 Health Care Government is involved in health care in multiple ways Regulator Financier Provider Government greatly influences health care Should government influence it more?
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe 22-3 Rationales for Government Involvement Public Health Contagious disease Negative Externality Dissemination of health care information Equity Inability for all persons to afford health insurance
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe 22-4 Public Health Spread of contagious diseases Example: typhoid fever, cholera Opportunity for disease to spread rapidly Government established public health boards Controlled epidemics Highly successful
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe 22-5 Public Versus Private Health Many common health problems today are private in nature Noncontagious Examples: heart disease, cancer Problems are serious but private
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe 22-6 Public Health Policy Medicare and Medicaid created Government paid for health care of elderly and needy regardless of problem’s nature Distinction between public and private health concerns has been obscured
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe 22-7 Health Insurance Major policy issues – universal health insurance Recent problem 1940 – 10% population covered Factors making health insurance commonplace Rising medical costs Tax deductibility of employer-paid health plans
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe 22-8 Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection Insurance industry must deal with two factors Moral hazard Adverse selection
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe 22-9 Moral Hazard Moral hazard – when an individual has some control over events that trigger insurance payment Example: driving a car Increases health care costs
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Adverse Selection Adverse selection – occurs when those most likely to make insurance claims buy insurance, those not likely to make claims do not Adverse selection created because: Individuals have better information Strong public sentiment about charging higher-risk individuals more
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection Employer-provided insurance avoids most of the adverse selection problem All employees get insurance Single-provider insurance would eliminate adverse selection
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Insurance Incentives No one has an incentive to control health care costs under standard health insurance Marginal cost to patient = zero Marginal benefit to doctor is high Incentive to overconsume health care services Cost of overproduction passed onto all health insurance
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Insurance Incentives
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Insurance Incentives Two possible ways to mitigate health insurance incentive problems Deductibles Individual pays first several dollars of service, insurance pays remainder MC still equals zero Copayments Patient pays a certain percentage of total bill Bulk still paid by insurer
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Insurance Incentives HMOs – Health Maintenance Organization Accept payments in advance Provide required medical care Advantages Incentive to conserve costs Disadvantages Incentive to conserve costs
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Insurance Incentives Hospital Reimbursement for Insured Expenses Fixed payment for certain procedures Creates incentive to reduce costs Historically reimbursed using “cost-plus” system Incentive to increase costs Purchase expensive equipment Lengthen hospital stays
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe The Evolution of 20th Century Health Care Role of the AMA in transforming health care in the United States Controlled physician’s entry Promoted fees for service Created current physician-patient relationship
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Government Health Care Programs Medicare Federal program Provides health care to the elderly Medicaid Run by states, jointly financed by states and federal government Provides health care to needy
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Care Reform Universal coverage Example: the Canadian system Advantages: Eliminate adverse selection Reduces tendency to avoid preventative care Disadvantages: Specialist rationed Costs are hidden U.S provides safety valve
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Care Reform Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) Provides catastrophic coverage Direct control of routine expenditures Has advantage of creating incentive to save on routine expenditures Does not address expensive treatments
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Health Care Reform Mandated Employer Coverage Problems include: Increases cost of hiring workers Negative impact on labor market for low- income workers Does not fulfill the goal of universal coverage Pay or Play Similar problems as employer mandates
PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randall Holcombe Interest Groups and Health Care Reform Health care reform will ultimately be determined through political process Future of health care will be partly determined by special interests Doctors Insurance companies Elderly