Company LOGO 4 Series Consent Agenda
1. What is a Consent Agenda? 2. What goes on it? 4. How is it used? 3. What doesn’t belong? 5. What’s a Removed item? FAQs 6. Any Tips?
contains multiple items to be voted on can save time for more valuable discussion requires reading in advance What ‘s a Consent Agenda? Something that:
Minutes Confirmation of previously discussed item Executive Director’s report Committee reports Informational materials Updated Org documents Routine Correspondence What goes on it?
An Audit Financial Reports Executive Committee decisions which are not routine & procedural What doesn’t belong?
1.Set meeting agenda 2.Distribute materials in advance 3.Read materials in advance 4.Introduce Consent agenda at meeting 5.Remove item (if requested) 6.Accept & Approve Consent agenda 7.Document approval How is it used?
Consent Agenda Process Board Chair asks for motion, second and Approval* Board Chair asks for motion, second and Approval* Board Chair decides if item is addresse d immediat ely or later Board Chair asks if any member wishes an item removed Board Chair asks if any member wishes an item removed Chair query IF ‘YES” IF ‘NO’ * Should be unanimous
Any item a Board member wants removed from the Consent Agenda NOTE: Item can be removed for any reason: discussion, question or vote against. Although, if a Board member is abstaining from a specific item vote it does not have to be removed if proclaimed at Chair’s query. What’s a Removed item?
CA Item is self-explanatory or uncontroversial Ask questions in advance Mark item on CA as “For approval” Tips
Minutes itemize specific resolutions on CA Monthly Financials monitored by Finance Committee could go on CA (Quarterly, full board hears / reviews Financials as regular item) Tips
Steps to Getting Started Create a ‘How- to’ cheat sheet List what Can & Cannot be included Start slow & easy Get board feedback Fine tune Discuss benefits with board – get support
Resources TEXT Benefit: Better Board Performance RESOURCESRESOURCES