Feedback from the Professionalisation Working Group 12/02/08 Update for new members (terms of reference) Update on current activity (considerations)
Terms of Reference Terms of reference were circulated among all members for feedback (December). The overwhelming majority of people who replied agreed with all 14 terms of reference and comments made predominantly supported the proposed terms. The working group has been meeting (December, January) to discuss how UMHAN can become organised and manage the work to meet these objectives.
Promoting the Interests of People with Mental Health Difficulties Articulating the specific and distinctive needs of students with mental health difficulties. Influencing policy development across the sector and generally, which relates to people with mental health difficulties, as well as developing UMHAN policy positions on relevant issues. Removing barriers to the full participation of people with mental health difficulties in Higher Education and society generally. (Includes issues such as Widening Participation, employment, and care and treatment issues). Promoting the health and citizenship of people with mental health difficulties.
Developing the disability rights agenda to more accurately reflect the particular needs and interests of people with mental health difficulties. Encouraging the development of a culture in which people with mental health difficulties studying at Higher Education level becomes a mainstream notion. Advocating to, and liaison with relevant bodies to promote the rights and interests of students with mental health difficulties.
Promoting the Benefits of the Mental Health Adviser role Articulating the benefits of a specialist mental health advisor role, and seeking to disseminate this information across the sector. Providing advice and information to people outside the network, particularly where this can be seen to benefit either students with mental health difficulties, or enhances the profile, and the esteem of the Mental Health Adviser role.
Professional Support Supporting members to fulfil their roles competently. (This does not include any form of professional indemnity, or monitoring or endorsement of individual practice.) Informal stress management support. (This will be peer based, and will not include any form of professional intervention.) Sharing of best practice / models of good practice. Peer consultation on issues related to students with mental health difficulties. Professional development, to include training and advice to members.
Considerations of the group since Formalising existing procedures. e.g. membership, meetings. Structural development of the network. e.g. procedures. Roles required within the structure. i.e. responsibility. Transparency. Draft structure presented to CVS for expert advice. Outcomes: Keep it simple in establishing the organisation. Create a basic constitution, with a Management Committee. CVS agreed to input into the constitution (awaiting). Vote on the proposed structure, and establish a Committee. Management Committee to continue development work.