KIWIN’S [Insert your school name here]
What is KIWIN’S? KIWIN’S is a District of Key Club International We are located all around California, Nevada, and as well as Hawaii KIWIN’S is a student-led organization that tries to promote good citizenship character through service Our intent is to perform service deeds with fellow members to improve schools and communities We emphasize projects that promote children and education Currently, there are approximately 2,500 members throughout our district.
Choosing KIWIN’S allows students to actively participate in leadership roles, communicate with others, and learn the importance of community service KIWIN’S provides a well supported and developed district and division to assist the school club that can serve the society but also be enjoyable KIWIN’S on campus would add more diversity to service projects offered on campus We have been known internationally to be the highest ranked youth service organization with the most number of service hours with 52,960 hours in the year Why KIWIN’S?
District District Governor Divisions Lieutenant Governor School ClubsPresident Vice President SecretaryTreasurerHistorianMembers Club Structure
How is KIWIN’S Organized? District Level –Oversees the overall well-being of the KIWIN’S District –Provides mentoring, education and knowledge of service opportunities. –District Board: Executive Board (Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, 9 Lt. Governors, Convention Chair, Awards Chair, & Membership, Development and Education Chair Divisional Level –KIWIN'S divisions are led by a Lt. Governor –A Lt. Governor is responsible for the clubs in their division. –They hold monthly meetings where members from all the clubs in the division meet and discuss business Club Level –Each club holds weekly meetings to keep members informed on projects/community service –Students elect officers yearly –Where the majority of service is performed
CAL-NEV-HA KIWIN’S [insert division] [school] [your school name here] [school] CrystalFairfaxLACES Van Nuys Palisade s Diamon d Downey Narbon ne Peninsu la PV Peninsu la South High Torranc e Emeral d Otay Ranch Academ y of Our Lady of Peace Rancho Bernard o High JetEdison Fountai n Valley La Quinta Los Amigos Marina Segerstr om Universi ty Ruby East Bakersfi eld School Ridgevi ew Jade Hercule s Oakland Richmo nd Alamed a Science and Technol ogy Goldsto ne Chaffey Glen A. Wilson Los Altos Damien St. Lucy’s Priory Sapphir e Merced East Union
Our Objectives To promote leadership development To cooperate with school administrators, faculty members, and Kiwanis advisors To champion the role of service within our school, community, and world To exhibit a positive, active role in society To encourage the growth and development of our peers To form meaningful and lasting relationships To nurture relationships and bond within the Kiwanis Family To accept and promote the ideals of Key Club International
Goals To promote KIWIN’S at [Your school name here] To serve the Community To learn about Leadership To focus our time and talents on Live2Learn, specifically focused on 5-9 year old youth, with the main goals of promoting education and building literary skills as well as Pediatric Trauma Prevention (PTP) To develop into a well-rounded individual community leader and lifelong advocate for children's education To double in club size as well as acquire 25 hours of service per member Most importantly, to have fun and meet new people
Networking Joining the KIWIN’S family also allows students to join an even bigger family, the Kiwanis Family. The sister organizations of KIWIN’S are: –Kiwanis International –K-Kids (elementary students) –Builders Club (middle school students) –Circle K college students) –Aktion Club (adults with disabilities). KIWIN’S members are able to meet other people from sister organizations through inter- club community service events and other KIWIN’S members from all over California- Nevada-Hawaii through district-wide events.
Student Leadership Students are expected to create a bigger impact on society KIWIN’S gives students the chance to serve beyond the club level by becoming: –Club President –Lieutenant Governor (Division Level) –District Governor (District Level) They will learn responsibility, communication, and dedication
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Fundraising and education will benefit Kiwanis’ Eliminate Project and help protect the connection between mother and child by eliminating maternal-neonatal tetanus.
March of Dimes Mission is to improve the health of babies. KIWIN’S members raised over US$100,000 last year: March for Babies and other fundraising.
Children’s Miracle Network Network of hospitals providing healthcare for children whose parents aren’t able to pay. Dance marathon, Telethons, Trauma dolls, serve meals at the Ronald McDonald House.
District Board Members Governor – Daniel Lim Secretary – Sylvia Kwon Treasurer – Allen Pham Bulletin Editor – Jay Park
Board Members President – Vice President – Secretary – Treasurer – Historian –
New Members members More members
Planned Events and Projects Plans here
Potential Events and Projects Speak the truth!
Potential Events and Projects Bring Up Grades (B.U.G) –Challenge students at the end of the quarter to raise their grades 0.5 or more by the next quarter –Students who meet the challenge are invited to an ice cream party, pizza party, or barbecue Easter Egg Hunt –Members help to hide eggs and goodies, and then help little children find them. Flowers –Bring Flowers to a Nursing Home to brighten up the atmosphere Locker Repair –During the summer, empty lockers can be repaired and/or painted
School Recognition KIWIN’S is honored by the district through club awards including: –Service to School –Distinguished President –Most Improved Club –Many More… Leadership and Service will never go unrecognized in KIWIN’S Clubs and members that go above and beyond can expect to win trophies, plaques, or medals Only a few of the awards that are given out annually.
Scholarships KIWIN’S scholarships ranging from $250 all the way to $20,000 We will also aid high-school students with post- academic plans