Tutlebot Acutattile 85 cm Configurazione 1 Kinect 1 WIN pc 1 Laser 1 LINUX pc camera centre ground
Tutlebot Acutattile Vista da dietro
Posture Reasoner Posture Recognition KB Reasoning Engine Kinect SDK SPEAKY ACUTATTILE Piattaforma SPEAKY ACUTATTILE Architettura esistente per il monitoraggio posturale
Posture Reasoner Posture Recognition KB Reasoning Engine Kinect SDK SPEAKY ACUTATTILE Piattaforma SPEAKY ACUTATTILE Event Dispatcher KB waypoint list, Kinect sensor location ROBOT waypoint to reach moving/not moving, robot position detected posture Monitoraggio Posturale FISSO
Python Server Posture Client KB Prolog Reasoner Kinect SDK SPEAKY pc SPEAKY Event Dispatcher KB waypoint list, Kinect sensor location ROBOT waypoint to reach moving/not moving, robot position detected posture pc dedicato Monitoraggio Posturale
WINDOWS Pc È lo stesso software che gira sulla postazione Speaky con Kinect fissa ROS client/ server Pc con LINUX (Ubuntu 14.04, ROS Indigo) Driver nativi Turtlebot + Move base con navigazione a way-point MAP server Mappa dello scenario applicativo ROBOT Posture Client Kinect SDK detected posture KB Move base moving/not moving, robot position waypoint to reach Software per il Robot
ROS client/ server MAP server Posture client Kinect SDK detected posture KB move_base moving/not moving, robot position waypoint to reach Kinect Microphone Vocal Interface Vocal Command Interpreter KB Semantic map robot commands, waypoint to reach
ROS client/ server MAP server Posture client Kinect SDK KB move_base Kinect Microphone Vocal Interface Vocal Command Interpreter KB Semantic map robot commands, waypoint to reach
Python Server Posture Client KB Prolog Reasoner Kinect SDK SPEAKY pc SPEAKY Event Dispatcher KB waypoint list, Kinect sensor location waypoint to reach moving/not moving, robot position detected posture pc dedicato Monitoraggio Posturale
Robot Controller map_server Posture Recognition Kinect SDK detected posture KB move_base moving/not moving, robot position waypoint to reach Kinect Vocal Interface Vocal Command Interpreter KB Semantic map robot commands, waypoint to reach Posture Reasoner KB Reasoning Engine ROBOT CONTROL Monitoraggio Posturale MOBILE