Global e-Society Complex External Glob-Platforms Glob-Opinion Blogs Global e-Society Complex Thinktank in Global e-Society Complex Forums to migrate to Glob-System Info-IT-Communication. Glob-Platform = integrated set of WebSites and/or Pages + Download Modulable Files + Forum Sites or Pages + Prints. Each Glob-Platform can be the object of a Series of Initiatives, including Conference-Debates, Crowd-Conferences, WorkShops, Courses, Excursions, Exhibitions, Campaigns, … Each Glob-Platform has endless Convivial Socio-economy Business and Job opportunities. Glob-Section Platforms One per Section and SubSection of the GlobTree Glob-Topic Platforms One per Topic or Sub-Topic of Knowledge, Society and Human Life Issue e-Societal WatchWebs Semi-independent WebPlatforms for permanent Observation, Reporting and Planning of Streets, Sectors, Disciplines, Public Entities, Enterprises, NGOs, Budgets, Reports, Audits, etc. on a given Geo-Territory. Note: no Persons’ Glob-WatchWebs. Glob-Forums eGroups, Opinions, Discussions, Polls, Petitions, Votings. Supplement to all Platforms Extra Glob-Platforms Local-Global No-Money Exchange Same architecture as Platforms World Geo-Regions Platforms, steered by the Glob-System, legally and financially independent from the Glob-System. Beta Version June 2011 File Update: Files from platform now migrating to Connected Glob-Platforms Semi-independent. inside domain Glob-Platforms Partners Glob-Platforms ProMembers Glob-Platforms PriMembers Glob-Entities Platforms e-Region Networks + Micro-Enterprises Platforms Residential e-Clusters Platforms e-Villages Platforms Totalling, possibly, billions of connected sites and modulable files, based on one new simple standard system, worldwide. Blueprint for an Evolutive Society System Glob-DataBank Architecture A radical new concept in informatics, information, research, governance and socio-economy. Join now the Co-Conception and Construction Crowd ! Each Personal Glob-Key and Professional Glob-Disk links, upload-downloads & interacts with the whole Glob-DataBank. Local Global FindEngine Glob-Search System GlobCode steered Glob-Code Classification & Layout System. The Secret of Simplified Complexity. Central Glob-Platform The Glob-System is a 3D ProActive e-Societal Network. People – Entities - Solutions Full Privacy: the Glob-System does not store Personal Private Information, only anonymous statistics. Glob-Coded External Entities Platforms Glob-Linked External Entities Platforms External Entities Platforms Personal Glob-Key Network Triptych 3-Screen Venues Local Glob-Centers Glob-DataBank Servers Network Professional Glob-Disk GlobIDCard Panergetic GlocoIndex Crowd-conferencing World Network Year-round Program World Subsidiary Glocomerate Cube Thinking Model Glob-Interventions on External Sites Media - Entities