The Man to Send Rain Clouds Leslie Marmon Silko Literary Terms: Setting, Theme, and Mood
Terms to Know Setting: the time and place in which the events unfold in a literary work. Setting can help develop the mood. Mood/ Atmosphere: What the author makes the reader feel. An author creates mood through thoughtful use of details, like setting. The night was dark and stormy. The man kicked and threw the poor cat out of his house. Theme: Central idea in a literary work. Theme can be developed through characterization, setting, mood, plot, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, and irony. Wizard of Oz: Home is where the heart is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Selflessness brings the greatest reward
Terms to Know Conflict: involves a struggle between two opposing forces. It is an essential component to the plot of a story. Person v. Self (Internal) Person v. Person (External) Person v. Nature (External) Person v. Machine (External) Person v. Society (External) Person v. Supernatural (External)
Background Pueblo groups Settled in SW thousands of years before Spanish conquistadors in 1540. Spanish attempted to establish a colony and convert the Pueblos to Catholicism. Laguna people of western New Mexico are a Pueblo group. Founded in 1699 Maintain many values and beliefs even with the influence of the outside culture
The Man to Send Rain Clouds Modern setting (written in 1969) but incorporates the rituals and traditions of the ancient Laguna Pueblo people The Laguna Pueblo people believe that their dead relatives will become Cloud People and bring the gift of rain. Rain was an important element in Native American life because it sustained all life.
The Man to Send Rain Clouds *Setting – sheep camp belonging to the Laguna Pueblo people *Main characters – Leon and Ken (brother-in-laws) Teofilo (dead grandfather) Louise and Teresa (family members) Father Paul (Christian priest) As you read: What setting descriptions develop mood within the story? Locate two to three examples. What is the theme (central idea) of the story? What are the conflicts that arise between cultures?