CHIP Presentation September 2014 Umpqua Health Alliance
Acronym Definitions CCO= Coordinated Care Organization CAC=Community Advisory Council CHA=Community Health Assessment CHIP= Community Health Improvement Plan MAPP=Mobilizing for Action Through Planning & Partnerships SWOT=Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats DCO=Dental Care Organization OAR=Oregon Administrative Rule ORS=Oregon Revised Statutes IA=Innovator Agent UHA=Umpqua Health Alliance
Who sponsored the CHIP process? Umpqua Health Alliance Douglas County Public Health
Why did we do a CHIP? It helps outline plans to support improved health of individual people in our community It is required for CCOs by the Oregon Health Authority and for Public Health Accreditation
What is a CHIP? Purpose of a CHIP is to outline strategies that support improved health of individuals and the community It is a plan to address health Community focused, engages community members in process Focused on making meaningful changes through collaboration Intended to address significant issues influencing overall health of community and for OHP members Meets mandates of several organizations Involves the CAC in entire process from start to finish Prioritizes actions to work on when here isn’t unlimited resources Natural progression after CHA Based on data collected in CHA
A CHIP is NOT…. Is not meant to include every single activity a CCO does Does not duplicate other community planning documents or mandate other organizations work It is not static, it will change and be added to over time Is not written in a vacuum by one person It is not a detailed operations plan with detailed tasks
Our Collective CHIP Process CHA Goal Setting Filling our bucket with possible strategies Decide what Strategies Write, Submit & Share Plan! Next steps Finalize Work plan Work on activities Develop report on progress format Share progress and add activities for
CHIP Planning Philosophy Integrate planning efforts across several organizations Based on values and planning principles 1/3 rule (1/3 currently doing, 1/3 needs improvement, 1/3 new) Should be useful for organizations Captures high-level actions, purpose and changes not lists of tasks All items in a plan are interconnected Multiple voices incorporated into process and document Process is as important as document Connected to (not duplicative or opposing) Transformation Plan & other internal documents
Planning Principles Based on 2013 Community Health Assessment Cost effective strategies that leverage local assets and resources Creates positive, measurable change in individuals and community Coordinated with efforts that are already successful in Douglas County Evidence-informed Population-specific strategies, addressing health disparities Meets Oregon Health Authority and Public Health Accreditation rules and mandates Strategies established on a 1-3 year timeline
How we set our Priorities The CAC chose strategies based on information from: CHA Surveys Public meetings Input from UHA staff Input from community organizations
Where can I find the CHIP? CHIP for UHA and Douglas County Other CCO sponsored CHIPs in Oregon reform/certification/cco-chip.aspx Please connect with Patti at Umpqua Health Alliance for a hard/printed copy
Work in the next 6 months Finalize work plan Continue work on activities in each focus area Develop progress report form Share progress & add to work plan for