Jan Auyong, Assistant Director and Ellie Larsen, Program Specialist Faculty Orientation CH2M Hill Alumni Center November 12, 2009
Project content “What outcomes are needed or desired?” Describe outcomes (with Measures, Indicators, Targets). What activities/results needed? What methods, analyses and inputs will get you there? Specify measurable objectives. Explain the issue. Why is it important? What has been done before? 2
NIFA Information Needs require Emphasis on Outcomes NIFA needs quantitative and qualitative evidence that ● Researchers are identifying possible solutions to national problems; ● Educators and extension faculty and staff are helping the public learn; and ● The public is applying new knowledge and addressing national problems, thus ● Producing changes in conditions. 3
Focus on Outcomes Knowledge (change in knowledge or participants actually learn) New knowledge, improved skills or varieties How technology is applied, policy knowledge Actions (change in behavior or participants act on what they have learned) Adopt new skills, use improved technology Apply practical policy and decision-making knowledge Conditions (societal condition improved) Increased market overseas Higher productivity in food provision 4
A good outcome statement is a brief summary, without jargon, that: Highlights the difference your program is making for the public good. Concisely summarizes what you did to achieve this difference. Clearly states payoffs to society. Answers key questions: So what? Who cares? Why? Outcome Statement 5
CAS Outcome Measures As much as possible, provide indicators of success Indicators of Outcome a) Percentage of improved knowledge b) Acres of improved wheat varieties c) Value of application of new technologies per acre Targets Reported, for example: a) 5% b) 1000 per county c) $5,000 per acre saved 6
DUE dates Progress reports to OAES (Oct/Nov) Revised POWs to OAES (January) OAES updates CRIS records by end of December and NIFA online composite POW and AR by end of March (online) Plan Of Work (POW) and Annual Report (AR) 7
Contacts Research Programs Extension Programs Research Programs Extension Programs Academic Programs Financial/Budgetary Academic Programs Financial/Budgetary