Santa Cruz County Substance Use Disorder/Co-occuring Disorder Social Norming Campaign
Santa Cruz County Substance Use Disorder/Co-occuring Disorder Social Norming Campaign
Santa Cruz County Substance Use Disorder/Co-occuring Disorder Social Norming Campaign
Santa Cruz County Substance Use Disorder/Co-occuring Disorder Social Norming Campaign
Our Community is impacted by a chronic disease of Substance Use Disorder. Let’s Talk About It. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 5
94% of 22,000 people diagnosed with SUD do not receive treatment. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 6
7 Enough people to fill the Civic Auditorium 11 times.
If lined shoulder to shoulder it would stretch 5.2 miles from Felton to the Boardwalk. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 8
9 Or from the Watsonville Airport to the Fairgrounds.
Untreated addiction takes a heavy toll on the social fabric of our community. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 10 Let’s Talk About It
Addiction Knows No Boundaries
It Affects the Whole Family Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 12
There is help. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 13
Treatment Works, Recovery Happens.
Untreated addiction costs our community millions of dollars. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 15
Santa Cruz County loses $200,000,000 per year to untreated substance use. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 16
Increased rates of High school dropouts Teen pregnancies Lost College Opportunities Increased rates of Youth Employment Community Impact Santa Cruz County has higher annual rates of non-fatal emergency room visits for alcohol and/or drug use than the state of California. Santa Cruz County Jail bookings related to alcohol use has been between 43% and 50% since Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 17 Youth Impact Emergency Room Public Safety
Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 18 For every $1 we spend on treatment, we save $7.
Parks and open spaces Clean ocean/rivers The savings from treatment could be reinvested into our community. Outside Spaces Education Recreation Employment Youth Services Housing & Food Security Transportation Public Safety Services Community Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 19
And yet, there are thousands who cannot access treatment. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 20
Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 21 In Any Given Year:
Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 22 We treat other chronic diseases… Why not addiction?
The people of Santa Cruz County are committed to treating this disease. Talk About It. Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 23
To find out more and to learn how you can help, visit us at: or call Santa Cruz County SUD/COD Social Norming Campaign 24
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