PART 1: AGILITY Unit 8: Skill Related Fitness
Skill Related Fitness Overview Fitness components important for success in skillful activities and athletic events. Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction time, Speed. Skill Related fitness is important, however if you do not concentrate on health related fitness first you will not be completely physically fit.
Agility The ability to change body position and direction quickly and efficiently. Key activities such as: basketball, soccer, racquet sports, skiing. Basically any sport/activity you need to change direction quickly. Making Healthy Choices VideoChoices
Balance The ability to maintain the body in proper equilibrium. Key in activities such as: gymnastics, diving, skating, skiing, football, wrestling
Coordination The integration of the nervous and the muscular systems to produce correct, graceful, and harmonious body movements. Key in wide variety of activities: golf, basketball, baseball, soccer, karate – anywhere where hand – eye- foot movements must be integrated. Soda Pop Test – flipping cans over into small circles as fast as possible.
Power The ability to produce maximum force in the shortest time. By combining power, speed and force (strength) – allows a person to produce explosive movements: jumping, shot put, spiking/throwing/hitting a ball. Standing Long Jump Test – how far can you go?
Reaction Time The time required to initiate a response to a given stimulus Important for starts of races, racquet sports, and self defense. Yardstick test – dropping a yard stick and seeing how long it takes to catch it.
Speed The ability to propel the body or a part of the body rapidly form one point to another. Many if not most sport and activities required bursts of speed at some point. 50-Yard Dash – an all out sprint – anaerobic.