Vocab Test 1 Results Period 1: 30.79/77% (3 perfect scores!) Period 2: 42.83/95% (5 perfect scores!) Period 6: 30.67/77% (1 perfect score!) Period 8: 32.13/80% If you scored higher than 22 seconds on the scatter game, I owe you 3 bonus points on the test. All make-ups & remediations must take place in OH (M, W, and by appt). All make-ups & remediatons must be completed by Tuesday, 8/25! Yes, I put in zeros even if you were absent.
BW: “Rites of Passage” Notebook: – What rites of passage exist for young people today? – If you can think of some, how meaningful are they in terms of helping young people find their identity and purpose in life? – Do you think young people could benefit from some kind of culture-wide rite of passage? – If so, what would it be?
What is a myth? A myth is a story passed down through generations in order to make sense of reality—observable phenomena. – Some myths explain natural phenomena that would be hard to explain otherwise. – An example of this type of myth is the myth of origins—how the earth and all its creatures came to exist. – These kinds of myths often contain hard-to- believe or supernatural elements.
What is a myth? Other myths organize reality—that is, give meaning to individual actions by placing them in a larger social or cultural context. – An example of this type of myth is the “American Dream”, a concept that helps Americans understand what it “means” to be an American and/or defines an “American way of life”.
Black Elk Speaks In Black Elk Speaks, the mythic elements operate on several different levels: – They help us understand important features of Sioux culture. – They help us understand Sioux history and current circumstances. – They help us understand Black Elk’s personal history.
Black Elk Speaks Answer the following questions regarding Black Elk’s vision: – What does his vision reveal about Sioux culture? – What does his vision reveal about his people’s history and current circumstances? – What does his vision reveal about Black Elk’s personal history or mission?