National Guidelines for Integrated Management of Agricultural Water Use Developed by National Department of Agriculture with Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and others Presentation to AGRICULTURE MINMEC 30 October 2003
2 Agricultural Water Use : Background Agriculture largest user of water in SA Water essential for agriculture “Managed water” – irrigation – ha Inequitably distributed Limited additional water available –(none in many catchments) Need policy & strategy to promote equitable access To achieve greater, more effective participation, and food security
3 Objective of presentation Review process to date Note interim arrangements Consider draft guidelines Decide on way forward
Consultation process followed: 1.Irrigation Policy Process completed Consultation workshop (2001) NDA, PDAs, DLA, DPW, LB, IWMI, etc. 3. Drafting of guidelines and international review (Durban, May 2001) 4. Practitioner review, 3 provincial workshops (EC, KZN & Limpopo) 5. Interdepartmental workshop 6. NDA submitted document to clusters
5 DWAF : current financial support (approved May 1999) Only for emerging farmers who are members of a Water User Association –New bulk-supply & rehab of existing works –Water conservation (including canal lining and replacement with pipes) –Water meters / measuring devices –Scheduling / demand management –Water loss control programmes
6 DWAF : current financial support Maximum subsidy is the smaller of: -R per irrigated hectare, and -R per scheduled member Considered as a proportional share of the beneficiaries in the total scheme Subsidy (and water allocations) used to leverage commercial farmer support for empowerment
7 Applied on an ad hoc basis e.g. (commercial farming projects) Location Province Area Number DWAF (ha) of farmers funding Impala WUA KZN R44,3 m Koekedouw WUA Western Cape R27,1 m Komati WUA Mpumalanga R16,4 m Blyde WUA Limpopo 800 (80) (R19,5 m) R107,3 m Several other smaller schemes supported as well as existing schemes rehab’d and restructured Important opportunities on Orange River (NC & FS) Limited coordination with other structures DWAF : current financial support
8 Institutional framework Financial delivery mechanisms Staffing Capacity building and training Intended Outcomes: Improved Equity Better Governance Sustainable activities Guidelines:
1. Consistent approach to be taken in terms of development principles and financial assistance amongst all Departments concerned, especially, NDA, DLA, DWAF & Land Bank etc. 2. National Departments to co-ordinate approaches through Coordinating Committee on Small-Scale Irrigation Support (with stakeholder input) 3. Provincial co-ordination through Co- ordinating Committees for Agricultural Water for all agricultural water use (not just irrigation schemes). Key Guidelines : Institutional
1. NDA should champion integrated activities in agricultural water use 2. A coherent and co-ordinated approach must be taken to financial support, especially from Agricultural Departments, DLA and DWAF 3. Integrated decision making on investments should be promoted at provincial level 4. Provincial and local Government planning capacity should be actively promoted with priority to the IRDP nodes Key Guidelines : Financial
11 1. Staffing requirements at all levels should be reviewed and capacity strengthened 2. Farmer training should be provided both as part of agricultural schemes and more generally. 3. Incentives should be used to encourage commercial farmers to share skills & resources 4. Programmes should be promoted to capacitate Water User Association members to undertake management of their collective schemes Key Guidelines : Capacity
-Establish CCAWs (Provincial Depts of Agriculture to chair and manage secretariat) -All role-players (Departments, CMAs, District Councils, etc.) should actively participate -CCAWs to recommend proposed agricultural water use projects using government resources -The Co-ordinating Committee on Small-scale Irrigation Support (CCSIS), should monitor and evaluate performance and recommend improvements on an annual basis Way forward: (if approach approved !)