IDAHO “Best Practices for Supporting Locals” MARK STEPHENSEN, CFM, SHMO
2 COMMUNICATION HOW DO YOU REACH OUT TO LOCALS ABOUT HAZARDS, RISKS, AND RISK REDUCTION? Collaboration of County AHMPs with the SHMP revision Direct collaboration with the recently obtained RiskMAP function Regular subscription to the HMA grants cycles Interaction with ID Dept of Water Resources under its NFIP coordinator Earthquake Program Silver Jackets WHAT CAN FEMA DO TO ASSIST COMMUNICATION BETWEEN YOU AND LOCALS? Maintaining the RiskMAP at ever increasing levels of implementation Increasing opportunities for interaction with our Mitigation liaision Continuing Region/HQ support of our various technical advisory committees
3 PLANNING HOW DO YOU SUPPORT/HOW ARE YOU INVOLVED IN THE PLANNING EFFORTS OF LOCALS? Review/approve submissions of AHMP revisions to FEMA Increasing direct involvement in the AHMP revisions (model after OR, AK, MO) Providing technical assistance for current grants and future grant opportunities Integrate RiskMAP efforts into regular EMW support WHAT SUPPORT CAN FEMA PROVIDE TO THE STATE TO SUPPORT RISK REDUCTION PLANNING EFFORTS? Increase HMA grant funding Coordinate with BHS Mitigation Section for EMW and individual County planning support
4 REGULATIONS HOW DO YOU ENFORCE REGULATIONS MEANT TO REDUCE RISK? Idaho only has one State statute regarding hazard mitigation (prohibition of siting swine farms on or near faults) Flood plain ordinances are regulated through ID Dept of Water Resources DO LOCALS UNDERSTAND THE REGULATIONS? DO THEY CHALLENGE THEM? Floodplain Ordinances (City of Stanley Case) Idaho Water Users Association proposed legislation WHAT SUPPORT CAN FEMA PROVIDE TO ASSIST YOUR REGULATORY PROCESSES? Continuing support of NFIP program in Idaho Assist our continued monitoring of relevant land-use, water use legislation
5 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Idaho remains highly dependent on Federal grant programs at both the State and local areas. Idaho is constantly seeking alternatives from the grant cycles of the previous years and the status quo expectations of our constituencies Idaho is always interested in new and better ways of conducting our emergency and mitigation management functions and we rely on the best practices and learning opportunities afforded us. We urge our Federal partners to always be mindful of the multi-level burdens of regulations and laws
8 Mapping and Data Sharing
12 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Unilateral Seismic Projects
13 Additional Comments Public Outreach and Education