Repositioning Family Planning in West Africa Repositionnement de la Planification Familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest Sponsored by: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), World Health Organization (WHO), Action for West Africa Region Project - Reproductive Health (AWARE-RH), Advance Africa, the POLICY Project Strategies for Capacity Building to Improve Quality and Access John Stanback, PhD Family Health International
Photoshare (J. Philips, Population Council)
Source: Photoshare
Which is more important: Access or Quality?
Access Which is more important: Access or Quality?
Access Which is more important: Access or Quality?
Quality Which is more important: Access or Quality?
Quality Which is more important: Access or Quality? Access
What is Capacity Building? Capacity Building ≠ Training
What is Capacity Building? Human Resource Development Organizational Development Institutional and Legal Framework Development
If all you have is a hammer,
If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail
The Right Tool for the Right Job
Training for safe insertions Referral system FP guidelines that ensure that IUDs are offered to all appropriate clients
The Right Tool for the Right Job
Providers who don’t impose “medical barriers” Supportive supervision to help providers do their jobs Population policy and norms that protect the provider
What happens when you use the wrong tool for the wrong job?
So let’s use the right tools!
Can Capacity Building Improve Access and Quality?
Percent of new clients denied effective FP due to menstrual status
Institutional and Legal Framework Development National Population Policies, Guidelines, Protocols, Norms Create an “enabling environment” Protect providers who do their job Institutionalize access and quality, and help create a service culture
Organizational Development Processes and procedures that put norms and guidelines into action Management and supervision Spirit of service, tolerance, innovation
Human Resource Development Equip staff with skills and tools to: Perform effectively Recognize access and quality problems Act to solve problems
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