He created the Psychosexual Stage Theory It is said that if the stages of Libido are successfully completed then the child will have a healthy personality There are five steps to Libido The Oral Stage is when the child needs that nurture feeling. But if they don’t get that then it’s like someone that seeks love & attention, & is denied it so they project their love to other things. A girl becoming a cat lady because her husband left her would be a good example The Anal Stage is when you learn to control yourself. If someone doesn’t go through this stage properly then they could end up with anger issues & have a hard time controlling themselves. The Phallic Stage is when children start competing for affection. It’s like when Edward and Jacob try to fight for Bella’s love. The Latent Stage is the stage that kids start to find other interests. An example would be if you only ate pizza for a whole part of your life & then someone made you try something else so now you want to try other foods too. The Genital Stage is the final stage of this Psychosexual Theory & it is when someone starts to develop compassion for others. It’s like that moment you realize the person you don’t like because they pick on you gets picked on by their parents & you feel bad for them
EExamined personality around same time as Carl Hung & Sigmund Freud CCame up with the term inferiority complex and described this as feelings of lack of worth BBelieved the conscious and unconscious worked in union with one another towards the fictional finalism CClaimed that every person had an idea about what their perfect self would be like ddeclared that each individual has a incomparable way of life, some are negative and some are positive BBest known for the practice for The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology FFigured out that personality difficulties are rooted in a feeling of inferiority coming from restrictions of self- assertion by individual RRejected Freud’s psychosexual theory because of the sex emphasis WWorked together on some theories
UUsed both behavioral and psychophysiological methods to study and test to develop his theories HHe published a book in 1947 called Dimensions of Personality about personality dimensions of Extraversion and Neuroticism GGray was a student of Eysenck UUsed some of Eysenck's research to help study his own theories of behavioral and biological personality traits Gray Eysnck