Pat Bidmead Leaseholder representative and Treasurer for the REC Leaseholder Report
LEASEHOLDER REPRESENTATIVE Here I am again ready to represent you for another year.
REPRESENTATIVES All the reps undergo training. She has been trained on Housing Law and Money Management but she’s also asked for training on accountancy, because she can’t add up!
TRAINED TO PERFECTION I’m better trained than his dog. I’m fit for purpose so why shouldn’t I be let loose?
REVIEW OF YEAR What have I done in the past year besides being idle? Wow! I’ve surprised myself. No wonder my one brain cell is aching.
BUSY BEE Agreed to accept role as treasurer. Monitoring gas contractors and NBBC. Looking at neighbourhood issues. Promoting REC. Posing for those superb photographs of myself in the Homing In magazine.
MONITORING NBBC PERFORMANCE I've lost it. No surprise but I’ll make certain you are fit for purpose.
EYES ON THE NBBC The job of the council is to look at all aspects of the housing service questioning costs and standards to assure leaseholders and tenants get value for money. As a representative I play a part in monitoring the NBBC to see that they do so. I monitor such matters as housing allocations and rents, and have an input into consumer standards.
NEIGHBOURHOOD ISSUES Estate inspections of a local areas are called walkabouts. These are usually attended by Housing Officers, local Councillors, REC reps, local residents and other odd bods who are invited to come along and identify any issues in the area that they feel needs addressing. These walkabouts enable REC members to monitor and improve standards of cleaning, repair and other areas of maintenance.
WALKABOUTS I have been on walkabouts with Council officers and other odd bods helping identify what needs doing in the area. As a leaseholder I follow to make sure. I'm another of the odd bods.
PROMOTING REC Attending local community events.
HOMING IN helping to create a best seller. I worked with the Council to create a pull out in the Homing In magazine for Leaseholders, as the results of the STAR survey last year said that Leaseholders didn’t feel as though they were kept informed.
The future… Going forward, I have set up quarterly meetings with the Leasehold and Right to Buy Officer at the Council, with a view to improving mutual communication channels so that I can better represent Leaseholder views.
SPREADING THE WORD REC is that where councillors go to play? I have introduced a number of local groups to the REC through delivering a PowerPoint presentation explaining the work we do.
VERDICT She’s done a bit more this year but she’s got a bit longer to serve so we hope she comes up to scratch before its time for her re election.
LEASEHOLDER REPORT PHEW -Over at last now we can get down to serious business.