Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.1 Maximum Norms & Nonnegative Matrices Weighted maximum norm e.g.) x1x1 x2x2 1 1 The unit ball of w.r.t. x1x1 x2x2 w -w w2w2 -w 2 w1w1 -w 1 The unit ball of w.r.t.
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.2 The induced matrix norm Proposition 6.2 (c) (b) If M ≥ 0, then (d) Let M ≥ 0. Then, for any λ > 0, iff (e) (f) If (a) M ≥ 0 iff M maps nonnegative vectors into nonnegative vectors. w -w Mw -Mw x1x1 x2x2 λwλw -λw-λw M ≥ 0
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.3 n x n matrix M to Graph G = (N,A) N = {1, ……, n} A = {(i,j) | i≠j & m ij ≠ 0} Definition 6.1 An n x n matrix M (n≥2) is called irreducible, if for every i,j N, a positive path in the graph G. e.g.) 12
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.4 Proposition 6.5 (Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem) Consider the unit simplex e.g.) If f: S S is a continuous fct., then some w S such that f(w)=w. 1 1 S Unit Simplex
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.5 Proposition 6.6 (Perron-Frobenious Theorem) Let M ≥ 0. (a)If M is irreducible, then ρ(M) is an eigenvalue of M and some ω > 0 such that Mω = ρ(M)ω. Furthermore, such a ω is unique within a scalar multiple, i.e., if some v satisfies Mv = ρ(M)v, then v=αω. Finally,. (b)ρ(M) is an eigenvalue of M & there exists some ω≥0, ω≠0 such that Mω = ρ(M)ω. (c) For every ε > 0, there exists ω > 0 such that Proof) by yourself
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.6 e.g.) 12
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.7 Corollaries Corollary 6.1 Let. The followings are equivalent : Corollary 6.2 Given any square matrix M, there exists some such that iff Corollary 6.3 Given any square matrix M,
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.8 Convergence analysis using maximum norms Def 6.2 A square matrix A with entries is (row) diagonally dominant if Prop 6.7 If A is row diagonally dominant, then the Jacobi method for solving converges. proof) For, Therefore, for each i Therefore, Q.E.D
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.9 Prop. 6.8 Consider on nxn matrix associated to an iteration x: = Mx + b. Let be the corresponding Gauss-Seidel iteration matrix, that is, the iteration matrix obtained if the components in the original iteration are updated one at a time. Suppose that. Then. Proof) Assume that Let us fix some such that By prop 6.6(c) & prop 6.2(b) such that Therefore, (by Prop. 6.2 (d)) Equivalently for all i, - (*) Consider now some such that and let (Note that is not necessarily nonnegative)
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.10 We will prove by induction on i that Assuming that for Therefore, for every satisfying This implies that Q.E.D. Prop. 6.8 implies that if
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.11 Prop. 6.9 (Stein-Rosenberg Theorems) Consider where for and (This implies that the Jacobi iteration matrix is given by and for. That is ) (a) If, then restatement of Prop. 6.8 (b) If, then Proof) by yourself.
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.12 Prop. 6.8 implies that for nonnegative iteration matrices, if a Jacobi algorithm converges, then the corresponding Gauss-Seidel iteration also converges, and its convergence rate is no worse than that of the Jacobi algorithm. Notice that the proofs of Prop. 6.8 and Prop. 6.9 remain valid when different updating orders of the components are considered. Nonnegative matrices possess some intrinsic robustness w.r.t. the order of updates! Key to asynchronous algorithms
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.13 Convergence Analysis Using Quadratic Cost Function Consider where is a symmetric positive definite matrix. Solve ( has a unique solution since is invertible) Find satisfying Define a cost fct. F is a strictly convex fct. ( is positive definite and by Prop. A.40 (d) ) minimizes iff, i.e.,
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.14 Assume that is a symmetric positive definite matrix. Def. A.11 A nxn square matrix is called positive definite if is real and for all,. It is called nonnegative definite if it is real and for all. Prop. A.26 (a) For any real matrix, the matrix is symmetric and nonnegative definite. It is positive definite if and only if is nonsingular. (b) A square symmetric real matrix is nonnegative definite (positive definite) iff all of its eigenvalues are nonnegative (positive). (c) The inverse of a symmetric positive definite matrix is symmetric and positive definite.
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.15 The meaning of Gauss-Seidel method (&SOR) in term of cost fct. F. can be viewed as a coordinate descent method minimizing
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.16 Prop Let A be symmetric and positive definite, and let x* be the solution of Ax=b. (a) If, then the sequence {x(t)} generated by the SOR algorithm converges to x*. (b) If, then for every choice of x(0) different than x*, the sequence generated by the SOR algorithm does not converge to x*. Prop If A is symmetric and positive definite and if is sufficiently small, then the JOR and Richardson’s algorithms converge to the solution of Ax=b. Both are a special case of Prop. 2.1 and Prop. 2.2 of Section 3.2.
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.17 Conjugate Gradient Method To accelerate the speed of convergence of the classical iterative methods Consider - Assume that A is nxn symmetric and positive definite - If A is not, consider the equivalent problem. Then, is symmetric and positive definite (by Prop. A.26 (a) ) For convenience, assume, i.e.,
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.18 The cost function An iteration of the method has the general form is a direction of update is a scalar step size defined by the line minimization Let
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.19 Steepest Descent Method Conjugate Gradient method Prop For the conjugate gradient method, the following hold: The algorithm terminates after at most n steps; that is, there exists some t n such that g(t)=0 and x(t)=0.
Network Systems Lab. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology No.20 Geometric interpretation {s(t)} is mutually A-conjugate, that is, s(t)’As(r) = 0 if t r If A=I, s(t)’s(r) =0, if t r A=I A: Positive definite & symmetric X(0) Steepest Descent Conjugate gradient