EVALUATION SUFFECIENCY Types of Tests Items ( part I)
Individual Activity (1/1) (5 min) K now W ant L earn
I- Introduction: A- General & Specific aims of the workshop B- The Importance of Testing C- Bloom's Taxonomy II- Types of Test Items: A-Selected-Response Items 1- Multiple choice items 2- True – false items 3- Matching items B-Constructed-Response Items 1-Restricted- response items 2-Extended – response items III- Testing the Language: A-Testing Vocabulary B- Testing Grammar IV- Common Testing Mistakes: V- Criticizing Test Samples.
The General Objective of the workshop: English teachers are going to acquire the required skills for constructing good test items.
Specific Objectives: By the end of the workshop, the English teacher will be able to: 1. Discriminate between the two types of test items. 2. Categorize each item format. 3. Identify the features of each item format. 4. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of test items. 5. Construct a good item for each test type format. 6. Criticize some items according to the guide lines they have obtained.
Group Activity (2/1) (5 min) The importance of testing
The Importance of Testing: Measure student’s achievement. A kind of self-evaluation for the teacher. Promotion and graduation depend mostly on tests. Parents always want to know how their children are progressing. Tests aim at diagnosing problem areas.
Bloom’s taxonomy
Part (I) Selected – Response Items
Group Activity (2/1) (5 min) 1- Give (3) advantages of selected-response questions? ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 2- Give (3) disadvantages of selected-response questions? ………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………
Advantages of selected-response items: They can sample the domain of content extensively. They are easy to score. They can be reliably scored. Disadvantages of selected-response items: They tend to measure memorization. The impact of guessing. They are not easy to devise. They do not measure the pupils’ ability to organize and express their thoughts.
MULTIPLE CHOICE ITEMS (1)-MULTIPLE CHOICE ITEMS Guidelines for writing multiple choice items: 1.Do not indicate correct answers by the grammar. 2.Make all distracters the same length. 3.Make all distracters plausible. 4.Avoid repeating key words in the stem and the options. 5.All the response choices are vertically listed. 6.The response choices should not be less than four.
7. Avoid pattern of responses. 8. Avoid negative item stems or a double negative. 9. The stem should be an idea,not an isolated word. 10. Have only one correct or best answer. 11. Avoid phrases like “none of the above” “all of the above”.
(2)-TRUE-FALSE ITEMS Guidelines for writing true-false items : 1.Statements must be clearly true or false. 2.Statements should not be lifted directly from the text. 3.Specific determiners should be avoided. 4.Tricky questions should not be used. 5.Statements must be concise. 6.Statements are in positive rather than negative terms. 7.Avoid pattern of responses. 8.The responses are written in a manner that makes scoring easy. 9.Avoid controversial issues.
(3)-MATCHING ITEMS Guidelines for writing the matching items: 1.Use clear directions. 2.Premises and responses are on one page. 3.There are more responses than premises. 4.Items should contain similar content. 5.Avoid clues to the correct response. 6.The responses consist of short phrases,at most. 7.The optimum length for matching items is between five and eight premises per item.
Can we remove one line to have three equal squares?
How many ladies are there?
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