Grade 8 Orientation 2016
Requirements for Graduation Graduation Gr. 10 Literacy Test 30 Credits 40 Hours of Community Service Submit forms to guidance counsellor regularly
Numbers of Credits 18 compulsory credits + 12 optional credits 30 Credits to Graduate
The 18 Compulsories 4 English (1 credit per grade)* 3math 2science 1 Canadian history 1 Canadian geography 1 the arts (visual arts or drama or music) 1 Health & physical education 1French 0.5 career studies 0.5civics 1 English, or French, or a Native language, or Spanish, or social sciences and the humanities, or Canadian and world studies, or guidance and career education, or coop 1 phys-ed, or the arts, or business, or coop 1 science (Gr. 11 or 12), or technology, or computer studies, or coop 18Total
Community Service Must complete 40 hours of community service in order to graduate Pick up forms & RETURN COMPLETED FORMS TO GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR See your counsellor PRIOR to completing hours to ensure activity is eligible Volunteer hours competed during summer prior to grade 9 do count Goal: Complete 10 hours / year (submit forms regularly & keep a photocopy)
How to Read a Course Code ENG 2PA ENG (English) 2 2 nd year (gr. 10) P Applied Level A A = single B = double
Timetable Reminders Students with less than 16 credits can NOT take a spare All students must be full time (minimum of 3 credits each semester) students MUST attend classes on their timetable until a timetable change is made
What’s New? #Changes: 1Gr. 9 art is now called “Expressing Aboriginal Cultures” – it is still ART 2Gr. 9 French Immersion students now have French history instead of French geography 3Gr. 9 & 10 French Immersion students now have the option to take cooking & gym in French (lots of room in both courses so join your friends ! :) 4Gr. 10 APPLIELD level history is now called “Aboriginal People in Canada” – it is HISTORY 5 6
JUNIOR Cancelled Courses #Course Name:Gr.Code 1 Cree9-12LNCAOA 2 Fr. Immersion – GEOGRAPHY 9CGC1DF 3 Design Studies (AutoCAD) (11 & 12 offered) 10TDJ2OA
Failed a course??? See Mrs. Hodgins ( student success teacher – middle office in guidance dept. ) for credit recovery – and meet deadlines – or else ???? You MUST see your counsellor A.S.A.P. if you have a class on your timetable for which you do NOT have a pre-requisite (i.e. failed gr. 10 math – you can NOT take gr. 11 math UNTIL gr. 10 is passed)
Timetable Changes Changes made ONLY for these reasons: compulsory credit missing missing pre-requisites for post-secondary Unbalanced – 4 theory courses Change level of difficulty ( academic to applied ) change of career path Already took that course failed a course / don’t have pre-requisite Hole in timetable / fill in a spare
Timetable Changes NO changes for these reasons: 1) change teacher 2) to be in same class as friends 3) change location of spare 4) didn’t choose courses wisely Many students did NOT get all the courses they requested. Sometimes conflicts arise. You may have to wait until next year to take a certain class.
Procedure for Guidance Appointments Today: sign up for an appointment (by counsellor) at the entrance table For the year: Sign up for an appointment time, complete the appointment slip & take it with you Show slip to your classroom teacher & take it to the appointment – submit signed slip to teacher upon return to class
While Waiting for your Appointment: 1) check courses offered by period (lists posted on window) 2) observe class size and cap (most classes are full or overloaded) 3) write a list 2 – 3 courses per period (in order of priority) 4) check course calendars to ensure you have the necessary pre-requisites
Course Selection Sheet This list is posted on window beside list of courses offered
Waiting Lists: Students will be put on waiting lists for courses that are full You MUST attend course on your timetable until the course on the waiting list becomes available If you decide you NO longer wish to be on the waiting list inform guidance ASAP Return to guidance every day to see if you were able to get into the course Waiting lists will be disposed of after 2 weeks
Tips for SUCCESS Attend daily Be on time Write notes while the teacher speaks Review your notes daily Keep an agenda of all due dates Complete & submit all assignments If you need help, just ask If you need help, just ask
Academic Awards Sept. 24 – Academic Awards Assembly ( 10:30 am ) (inform parents) 80%+ & 90%+ overall average List will be posted Sept. 12 th outside guidance office ( inform Mrs. Comand- Mainville if there are errors / omissions ) Prior winners – bring your plaque to Mrs. Comand-Mainville ASAP
Student Services 3 Main Roles : 1) Academic ( timetable, course planning, advice, arrange tutors ) planning, advice, arrange tutors ) 2) Personal counselling (+ C.Y.W.) 3) Career Counselling – college, university, apprenticeships, workplace, etc.
Student Services ● ● 3 guidance counsellors: ● ● Mrs. Allair ● ● Ms. Comand-Mainville ● ● Mrs. Johnston ● ● C.Y.W. (Child & Youth Worker) ● ● Ms. McNeil ● ● S.E.R.T. - Special Education Resource Teacher ● ● Ms. Pearce, Ms. Gilbert & ● ● Mr. Clemence – Room #335
Go to MAIN office for : Locks & lockers Pick up Volunteer Hours forms Pay fees & fines (incl. grad fee $25) Print timetables & transcripts school bus Info. Changing personal info ( address / phone # ) General questions
TUTORS !! Visit the guidance office (in 2 weeks) to request a tutor (free) if needed Visit the guidance office A.S.A.P. to SIGN UP to volunteer to be a tutor
Good Luck !! Work hard to make this your best year ever!! Visit the guidance office to request/offer to be a tutor (free)