Project Summery Traditional art was paper & pen based. There were art exhibitions and art gallerias which used to present these art forms. Not all artists could have reach to such facilities. With growth of Internet, there is very high demand of an online solution for showcasing, sharing and endorsing art forms created by masses through globe. There is a greater need to break geographical limitations of artists. Artists deserve to showcase their art forms (either traditional or digital by nature) on the internet. This problem which is being dealt upon, requires development of a web based platform which would enable artists around the world to share and showcase their art works. This art works needs to be classified under appropriate categories. As an social oriented site, this solution must provide facilities for iteration and communication between users. Thus, facilities like comments, ratings, private messaging, etc would be a part of the system. This problem also needs the solution to have an administrative area from where management of whole website can be done.
Scope This is an online web base arts showcase and sharing. It is only limited to people who are having internet access and a cell phone. This web site would be only used for artists, admin and users. This project strictly follows company’s requirement. It is up to the company to monetize it and make profit from the project.
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS STUDY USER CHARACTERISTICS Administrator (Top Management): This user is Level -1 user, the head of this web-site. Has all the access and privileges to use the whole application. This Level of user can modify all the information and Information can be managed by this level user. Registered User (Pop Head): - This is the Level-2 user, who can access all the services provided by this web-site. Has the access to retrieve and modify the information belongs only to his/her information. Visitor User : - This is the level 3 User. He/she will not be able to update existing or insert any new Information. They can only see services provided by our website.
HARDWARE & SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Hardware Interface Server Configuration Configuration: Pentium Processor 2.13 GHz or higher 2 GB RAM or higher 120 GB Hard Disk or higher CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive Super VGA Monitors (800*600) Operating System: Windows XP, Linux, MAC Client Configuration Configuration: Pentium – III or Higher 450 MHz Processor or higher 512 MB RAM or higher 80 GB HDD or higher Super VGA Monitors (800*600) Operating System: Windows XP Software Interface
Development Side Tools Front End Tools : PHP MY ADMIN Back End Tools : SQL server Documentation Tools MS Visio 2007 Microsoft Word 2007 Web browser Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher Client Side Web browser Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher Operating System Windows 98 or Higher
CONSTRAINTS Hardware Constraints We have taken PHP MYADMIN as Front-End and SQL SERVER as our Back-End Tool so the installation of Microsoft Visual Basic requires a minimum of 512 MB RAM and the processor with 1.5 GHz speed as recommended in the hardware requirements. The Graphics User Interface is best viewed in 800*600 Resolution. Parallel Operations At a time more than one user can access the application. Interface User Interface The user-interface is with a internet browser is must be required to access the application. Hardware Interface The internet connection is required between the computer the server that is hosting the website. Software Interface The application will be interacting with the Notepad ++ and Wamp Server that both of the things must be available on the server
STUDY OF CURRENT SYSTEM In this phase, the analysis of the whole project is done i.e. how the project will be developed, what the whole project will contain and how all the functions that are included in this project will work. All these things will be visualized, conceptualized and put on the paper work which will take the body of the actual project work. The working of the whole project work will be described by Data Flow Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Use Case Diagrams, etc. so that the prior idea of the actual functionality if the project, the functions of different modules and classes and the user interface of the project can be visualized. The current scenario of the company was based on the desktop and web application made up for shape file handling and manipulation. All the different kinds of projects that were going on into the company were either the desktop applications or the web applications and were made using the tools like Visual C++, VB.NET, C#.NET, Asp.Net, PHP etc. This software were providing the functionalities to view the shape files, to create shape files, to perform various operations upon the shape files like zooming, panning, clipping etc., to have layers of more than one shape files at a time etc. As such the current projects dealt with the shape file handling on the web basis.
PROBLEM & WEAKNESS OF CURRENT SYSTEM This is an online project. It is only limited to people who are having internet access. This website would be only used for downloading and uploading ART for a users, it is in no way useful for any other use. This project strictly follows client’s requirements. It is up to the client to monetize it and make profit from the project. REQUIREMENTS OF NEW SYSTEM This project is for client. Our responsibility is to fulfill all client requirements. Apart from that, we do not participate in any matter of the client. Feature list has been attached. Non-Functional Requirements Performance Requirements To build customer relationships by setting mutually satisfying goals between organization and customers, establishing and maintaining customer rapport and producing positive feelings in your organization and for the customers. Safety Requirements If someone who is unauthorized cannot use this system. For checking authentication own UserId and password is required before getting access of SYSTEM.
FEASIBILITY STUDY Feasibility study is carried out whenever there is a complex problem or opportunity, it is a fact a preliminary investigation which emphasizes the “Lock undertaken to determine the possibility or probability of either improving the existing system or developing a completely new system. It helps to obtain an overview of the problem and to get rough assessment of whether feasible solutions exist. There is essential to avoid committing large resources to a project and the repent on it later. Need for feasibility study: The feasibility study is needed to Answer the question whether a new system is to be installed or not? Determine the potential of the existing system. Improve the existing system. Know what should be embedded in the new system. Define the problems and objectives involved in a projects Avoid costly repairs at a later larger stage when the system is implemented. Avoid the ‘hardware approach’. I.e. getting a computer first and then deciding How to use it.
Technical feasibility ART Gallery is one of the fast growing sites. It is easy to use. Available through internet. Any One can use no need technology knowledge. User can upload and download the art images & it’s information. Time schedule feasibility To develop the project according the time schedule. First do requirement specification and analysis. Then create database of project. After that create design of project, then coding. Then, last testing of the final project. Operational feasibility Removes manual work. No chance for manual error because Data (result) is directly fetch from result file. No extra programming or other skills are required Faster Work Reduce Repetition of Work by saving quick notes Economic feasibility To get the art images & videos free from this site. There is no need of special training to use this software. No extra hardware cost.
REQUIREMENT VALIDATIONS A requirements validation is concerned with showing that the requirements actually define the system, which the customer wants. Requirements validation is important because errors in a requirements document can lead to extensive rework costs when they are subsequently discovered. Requirement Validation Checks We have done below validation checks Validity checks – Check whether the information entered is in valid format Consistency checks – Requirements in a document is not conflicting. Completeness checks – The requirements document includes requirement, which define all functions, and constraints intended by the system user. Realism checks – Using knowledge of existing technology, the requirements are checked to ensure that they could actually be implemented. Verifiability – The requirements are given in verifiable manner (e.g.: Using quantifiable measures) to reduce disputes between client and developer.
Requirement Validation Techniques We have used following Validation Techniques Requirement Review – We both and also our team leader analyzed the requirements systematically. Prototyping – In this approach to validation, an executable model of the system is demonstrated to our clients. So by doing this they can check whether the considered requirements satisfy their needs. Test-case generation – Requirements should ideally be testable. If a test is difficult or impossible to design, this usually means that the requirements will be difficult to implement and should be reconsider. We have found such requirements.
Use-Case Diagram
Class Diagram
System Activity
Data Dictionary
Context Flow Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Input Screen