DESY TestBeam preparation CERN ) Michele Bianco, Marcin Drozdwa Byszewski, Givi Sekhniaidze, Joerg Wotshack
To do list from Mauro Mechanical frame from Freiburg CHAMBERS: 4 TMM Chambers for reference 4 T Chambers for test - n? T chambers as spare New chambers with resistive strip pitch different from read-out strip ELECTRONICS 16 APV25 FE cards + n? spare 8 long HDMI cables POWER SUPPLY we need it for the SRS ? HV : CAEN Main Frame SY2527 ; Modules A1821P, A1821N HV cables B-FIELD SENSORS Sensors ELMB THP Sensors (Temp, Humid, Pressure) PC PC (Laptop) Windows with PVSS for Current monitor - same PC can be used with PCI card for the ELMB PC LINUX for DAQ MISCELLANEA - Printer (?) - Oscilloscope - Lemo cables - NIM modules fro trigger (?) (Discriminator, Coincidences) - Scintillators for trigger (fingers? paddles? 1, 2 ?)
CERN Mechanical frame from Freiburg Arrived at bd 154 already assembled today afternoon (15:30)
Tested and CERN CHAMBERS: 4 TMM Chambers for reference (Tmm2/3/5/6) flushed and turned on, ready to be installed on Freiburg frame 4 T Chambers for test (T1/2/3/8) flushed and turned on, ready to be installed on Freiburg frame, T6 used now on the x-ray setup can be used as spare if we need. New chambers with resistive strip pitch different from read-out strip, assembled today is under test now. Chamber for testbeam, in cosmic telescope
Tested and CERN ELECTRONICS 16 APV25 FE (tested with the chambers), how many spare cars we needs? 8 long HDMI cables, prepared and tested POWER SUPPLY FOR THE SRS The APV25 to working properly needs to be supplied at list with (see figure) HDMI = 3.3 V, Using the short HDMI cable we readout 4.4 Volts Using the long HDMI cable and the small SRS crate (single PS inside) we readout 3.45 Volts Using the long HDMI cable and the large SRS crate (two PS inside) we readout 3.65 Volts Maybe, f or safety reasons (can we have a drop in magnetic field?), we can use the large SRS crate
Tested and CERN POWER SUPPLY HV : CAEN Main Frame SY2527 ; Modules A1821P, A1821N From Mauro's mail I realized that it is not necessary to send the mainframe, but only cards, Right? In anycase a second CAME SY2527 is ready in the lab and can be used to test the PVSS code HV cables, we will prepare as soon we install the chamber on the frame (maybe tomorrow) PC PC LINUX for DAQ, tested with the proper configuration and new Tmm mapping files