Warkauden Kassiopeia ry. Taurus Hill Observatory
- Taurus Hill Observatory is located in Varkaus, Finland. - Observatory was complete in the winter of There are about 90 members in Warkauden Kassiopeia ry. - Jupiter pictures taken with Taurus Hill Obsevatory´s 12” Meade LX200GPS –telescope - Pictures taken by Warkauden Kassiopeia´s observation group. - Please visit in our web site in address There you can find more information about Taurus Hill Observatory and astronomical association of Warkauden Kassiopeia. You are also welcomed to visit in our observatorywww.taurushill.net
Taurus Hill Observatory site
VT2004 Transit in Taurus Hill Observatory, Varkaus. - Observations with four telescopes. Two of them are in the scientific use. Main telescope will be 12” Meade LX200GPS – telescope. - Photographing with web cam and digital camera minutes video from the transit of the Venus. - CD-Rom including the video, results, pictures and basic information about the transit. - Public show in observatory site. Estimated populary is about 40 persons.
Questions? Moon eclipse in Varkaus, Finland