we.learn.it Everyone can be an explorer Exploration & Creativity at Schools “Be a science journalist”
we.learn.it Who? When? Munkkiniemi Secondary School The French-Finnish School of Helsinki one group (12-22 pupils) from each school spring semester 2014 Young science journalists in Millenium Pavilion in Helsinki - Science competition Young science journalists in Espoo in Otaniemi - Technology Days in Finland
we.learn.it Aims and objectives make stories and/or videos of a topic at a science event write and publish a report on the same day
we.learn.it Why? conceptual issues relevant to the LE In this project you learn writing and communication skills, team working skills to use different tools and technologies eg. mobile devices for learning purposes to collect information and focus on essential issues how to work independently on larger topics to disseminate information by making a report
we.learn.it How? steps pupils visit a science event and find their favourite topic 2. they collect information by interviews 3. different tools are used like tablets and smartphones 4. pupils write a report and publish it on the same day
we.learn.it Enablers and barriers Enablers - the proximity of a science event - mobile devices - blog platform - co-operation among teachers -co-operation between teachers and Aalto staff Barriers - short time for guiding and make corrections - use of substitute teachers - technological hardship -File formats and transfer
we.learn.it Key outcomes pupils learned to utilize information and communication technology in a productive way pupils are able to do interviews and write an article with support in a short period of time going out from school and doing real things is FUN !!
we.learn.it What happened after all? pupils learnt more about using mobile devices all groups of pupils managed to make a report and publish it co-operation in classroom increased pupils’ self-confidence increased
we.learn.it links “Be a science journalist”