Beginner’s Course Lesson One Talking About the Weather
The weather is often a topic of conversation in Scotland. Probably because we often have five different types of weather before breakfast! In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use basic adjectives like hot and cold along with the phrase it is to comment on the weather.
Fuar Cold
Blàth Warm
Fliuch Wet
Tioram Dry
Dorcha Dark
Soilleir Bright
Review FuarBlàth Fliuch Tioram Dorcha Soilleir
Grammar Tha e It is
Putting It All Together You can put tha e with the word you learned to make a sentence. fuar blàth fliuch tioram dorcha soilleir
Tha e fuar. It is cold.
Tha e blàth. It is warm.
Tha e fliuch. It is wet.
Tha e tioram. It is dry.
Tha e dorcha. It is dark.
Tha e soilleir. It is bright.
Review Tha e fuar.Tha e blàth. Tha e fliuch. Tha e tioram. Tha e dorcha. Tha e soilleir.
Using a Modifier or Prefixe The weather in Scotland isn’t always just wet or cold. Sometimes it’s very wet or very cold. And occasionally it’s very hot. So you need to learn how to use a modifier or prefix to describe extreme weather!
Tha e glè fhuar. It is very cold. Grammar Note The letter h is quite often added after the first letter of words in Gaelic. This is called lenition. Glè causes lenition, so we have glè fhuar, glè bhlàth, and so on.
Tha e glè bhlàth. It is very warm.
Tha e glè fhliuch. It is very wet.
Tha e glè thioram. It is very dry.
Tha e glè dhorcha. It is very dark.
Tha e glè shoilleir. It is very bright.
Review Tha e glè fhuar. Tha e glè bhlàth. Tha e glè fhliuch. Tha e glè thioram.Tha e glè dhorcha.Tha e glè shoilleir.
Time to Talk Well done! You’ve learned six adjectives and you know how to describe ordinary and extreme weather. Now let’s see if you can understand this conversation between Morag and Catriona.
Morag and Catriona Ciamar a tha thu, a Chatrìona? Tha gu math, a Mhòrag. Tha e fuar. Tha e glè fhuar, ach tha e tioram. Tha gu dearbh.
Morag and Catriona How are you, Catriona? I am fine, Morag. It’s cold. It is very cold, but it is dry. It is indeed.
Quiz Lesson One Talking About the Weather
Choose the Correct Translation It is warm. a. Tha e fuar. b. Tha e fliuch. c. Tha e blàth. d. Tha e soilleir. e. Tha e tioram. f. Tha e dorcha.
Match the Terms Tioram Dorcha Fliuch Blàth Soilleir Fuar Dark Cold Warm Wet Bright Dry
Match the Picture to the Sentence. 1. Tha e blàth. 2. Tha e glè thioram. 3. Tha e glè fliuch. 4. Tha e soilleir. 5. Tha e glè fhuar. 6. Tha e dorcha. AB C D EF
Match the Antonyms 1 Tioram Dorcha Fliuch Blàth Soilleir Fuar Dorcha Fuar Fliuch Soilleir Blàth Tioram
Match the Antonyms 2 Soilleir Fliuch Dorcha Blàth Fuar Tioram Wet Cold Dry Dark Bright Warm
Glè mhath!