By Rachel Peters-Brown Meaira Cartman
Between China to a certain extent was considered an independent country, but struggled within their own limitations and boundaries of ruling. Leaders Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong both struggled in creating two regimes that professed and split China in two, making China less unified in which they remained self-communist.
Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, CCP was successful. After 1949, the Chinese economy remained one of the greatest challenges for the Communist. The spread and influence of Mao Zedong teachings of Communist, reign supreme in the indulgence over the Nationalist Party. In 1950, Mao took over the People’s Republic of China, destroying the U.S geographically
China is a communist country led by Mao Zedong Nationalist led by Chiang Kai-shek retaliated against the government Civil War ( ) Because China was split between Nationalist and Communist, they received aid from both Super powers (USA and USSR)
Mao Zedong was in charge of China, so the country remained Communist China was funded by the USSR, because they were allies China followed many of the same policies as Stalin Implemented a 5 year plan to speed productivity (1956) Great Leap Forward (1958)
Findley, Carter V. Twentieth Century World. [S.l.]: Houghton Miffin, Print. Online NewsHour: “China-Taiwan History.” PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Ed. Online NewsHour. 7 Mar Web. 07 Feb taiwan.html>. White, Matthew. "Chinese Civil War, " Web. 7 Feb taiwan.html